//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • Fixed multiple grammar errors.
  • Player was able to unlock, locked item in the inventory if spawning macro icons.
  • Some of the furniture added in the Midway branch didn't spawn their generated loot in the Main Branch.
  • Fixed issues with lights turning on on powerless buildings after loading the game.


  • From now on, if the player weapon/tool is equipped, the players' sprint is 10% slower.
  • Signifingly improved spawning pool for all interactable items.
  • From now on, players' bodies will ping an S.O.S audio signal to make it much easier to find in tall grass.
  • Increase fall damage threshold from 6 to 7 meters.
  • Adding items to the Construction List in the MMC will not change the currently viewed item.
  • All tree types will now remember their last wind intensity setting on dematerialization to not break the sway flow.
  • Added Power On/Off to Beacon, Path Lamp, and Post Lamp.
  • Player can now force On/Off lamps during day and night.
  • Player is now able to turn off automatic On/Off on low light intensity.
  • Updated Light and Power saving methods, on load player will now instantly see correct power and light status of every building.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • Pushing the camera to the wall in the temple allowed you to see past it.
  • Player was able to save the game when a special event is on if trying to save and go back to the main menu.
  • Game didn't trigger his primary default Field of View settings on the first launch, make some of the computer's screens a bit too big.
  • Doors animation and sound effects at the Gemini Base could be triggered multiple times affecting sound triggers and animation reset points.
  • If players walk in back to the tramp, after getting out, it will trigger "Z control system" for 53 seconds that prevented the player from jumping. (system in place for weaker CPU to make sure player won't phase out through the tramp in case of loading problem).


  • Clouds' move speed is now controlled by the wind speed.
  • Clouds' speed are now part of the save/load pool.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • There was a chance that on weaker computers, bots didn't reset their global variable data before the main player character could imprint their own data.
  • The player was able to consume more ammunition when reloading than the weapon is able to hold if swiftly repeating reload command while the weapon/tool is already reloading.
  • When manually moving items between storages, the call to move is sometimes ignored.
  • While moving stackable items from one storage to another, items moves would be split to fill up the first stackable item of the same type, and then halt transfer rather than search another stack or create a new one.
  • On weaker machines, storage generation could potentially happen after the call for storage content breaking storage interaction.
  • Ore Extractors screen didn't trigger if the player spawned next to it on load.
  • Fixed all 12 normalmap errors in modular base assets.
  • RTS system didn't properly showcase the build process if the player spawned too far away from the C.A.T on load.
  • Command Center main storage screen didn't update properly on game load (required player to leave and reenter the building for it to work properly).
  • MMC Screen didn't properly update its primary data on game start if player loads next to it (required player to leave and reenter the building for it to work properly).
  • Command Center light, didn't change shadow settings if the player spawned in it when loading.
  • Path Lamp didn't trigger correct shadow effects if the player was spawned near it when loading.
  • Bot could delete its items if the player ordered a bot to extract items from storage while manually removing them from the same storage.
  • One dialog line missing from Sara Neurocore Main Base.
  • One dialog from the Chief of Security didn't have its voice acting enable.
  • Typos fixed at the Miss Onishi Base.
  • Save repair system, activated itself when progressing to the next level, even if the player never was in this level before (leading to one of the missions being progressed too soon).
  • MMC didn't refresh "can be created" checks after changing items on the list, and pressing STOP and CREATE to reset MMC.
  • Solid Construction Component used wrong preview item.
  • Dialog System didn't properly save triggers.
  • Wrong names on some of the personal computers.
  • Animation error in Tirix Power Plant (light flicker at end of animation).
  • Player was unable to change key input settings in the main menu.
  • Buildings give Ambient Occlusion, even if not build.
  • Large items when drop from inventory, rubs the player collision slowing its fall down.
  • There was a chance connected to RTS system, that would not save or register building on stage 0. (Hologram would not appear).
  • All Tunnel Types were unscannable from inside.
  • Collision fixes in Gemini Base.
  • Player was head bobbing when interacting with the map.
  • Fixed player position to ground detection, player won't head bob when in the air.
  • Main Menu was offset off the screen on 4k monitors.
  • Archeological base doors were affected by the environment from both sides.
  • Main menu didn't correct its position on the screen when changing the resolution.
  • Bots didn't activate proper functions on power management after loading the game.
  • Not all collision triggers were loading at Command Center Armor Mesh.
  • Oculus Bot was capable of glitching through collision, which triggered in-game security systems pushing the bot on top of the model (in this case buildings) to not allow it to fall under the ground.
  • Player was able to interact with Lazarus Bed through its outer armor.
  • Solar Panel and Ore Extractors animations didn't trigger properly when the player spawns after game load.
  • (In RTS mode) Holographic Connection Arrows didn't light back up if a holographic version of the building connected to it was canceled.
  • Buildings in the Energy/Hydrogel Input/Output list were duplicated on the load game.
  • Ore Extractions special functions change their name on load. (they reset themself to the base name).


  • Added a new structure to the game, Small Hydrogel Tank.
  • Magnetic Wind Turbine added to the game.
  • Added Magnetic Wind Turbine to the construction list.
  • Added auto UI adjustment system for 4k and above screens.
  • C.A.T is now clickable in the RTS mode.
  • Added 6 decorative interactable items.
  • Added Corporate Assets Dispensers to the game (DMC version).
  • Added two new corporate posters.
  • Added Pause Menu (by default bound to F11).
  • Added new portable P.D.S as readable role.
  • Added complete set of furniture to Archeological base.
  • Added 14 new pieces of furniture for a modular none player buildable building set.
  • Hydration requirement added to the game.
    (Player now requires 1500 hydrogel units to hydrate which is equal to 3 liters of water).
  • Added environment based dirt/damage/corrosion effect on buildings, interactables (furniture).
  • Added 14 new items:
    /// Aqua Jelly
    /// Water (Materialized)
    /// Rotten Aqua Jelly
    /// Dirty Water (Materialized)
    /// Clips
    /// Dark Matter Cola Malloc Extreme
    /// Dark Matter Cola Sour Acid
    /// Dark Matter Cola Neuron Breaker
    /// Dark Matter Cola Malloc Extreme Expired
    /// Dark Matter Cola Sour Acid Expired
    /// Dark Matter Cola Neuron Breaker Expired
    /// Corporate Meal (Malok Flavour)
    /// Corporate Meal (Odo Flavour)
    /// Spoiled Corporate Meal
    /// Bioceramic
  • Added Aqua Jelly and Water (Materialized) to MMC blueprints.
  • Balans changes to set items:
    /// Dark Matter Cola and Rotten Dark Matter Cola now provides 40 Hydration rather than 50 Nutrient.
    /// Vivi now provides 25 Nutrient (from 150) and additionally 250 Hydration.
    /// Rotten Vivi now provides 5 Nutrient (from 50) and additionally 250 Hydration.
    /// Camubron still provides 35 Nutrients but also takes away 25 Hydration.
    /// Golden Malok now adds 5 Nutrients (from 10) but also adds 15 Hydration.
  • Increased Path Lamp, light range by 15 %.
  • Switched Medium Cabinet to Large Cabinet in Command Center increasing storage from 15 to 20.
  • Graphical improvement to CCC.
  • Added tutorial message window.
  • Added new elements to Ancient Temples.
  • Size of the Bio-Ring screen was increased by 40%.
  • Added Nutrient and Hydration bars to the Bio-Rings.
  • Changed position of Blueprint Repository and Large Cabinet in Command Center.
  • Improved atmospheric coloring change when the sun rises and sets.
  • Solar panels provide 12% more energy at a full day peak.
  • Days are now 18% brighter.
  • Improved camera shadow distance rendering. (minor performance boost).
  • Base Construction tutorial updated to showcase changes made to RTS.
  • Material improvement to Oxygen Station.
  • Improved hover sound effect in Inventory (more options section).
  • Drawcall reduction and material improvement of all chairs.
  • Improved game smoothing, removing as many hitches from the garbage dump, data allocation as possible for the time being.
  • Improved ambient occlusion rendering on all foliage, and environmental assets (rocks, stones, mountains). FIxing all black spots, lines, and black ghosts appearing in darker corners of caves.
  • Increased size of door buttons and switches to make them more visible.
  • Clouds will now change colors depending on the sun in the day and Gas Giant color at night.
  • Gas Gaint now reflects stars' light on to landscape, providing correct shadow rotation, and coloring.
  • Falling Stars added to the night sky.
  • Added Experimental Helmet Effect.
  • Added wind and solar power indicators in the RTS mode.
  • Added color change to buildings holograms when they are perfectly connected with the building's connector.
  • Added Connection ID check to RTS system (only connection arrows that building is able to connect to will light up rather than all of them).
  • Holographic representation of a building will now change its color when properly connected to the connection arrow.
  • Modification to main character UI (UI size is changed to eliminate content being cut from smaller resolution).
  • Added light to Maintenance Platform Screen.
  • Maintenance Platform will now detect the first entering character and trigger a constant scan each second.
  • All particle effects are now activated and deactivated per player camera frustum and distance from the center of the effect. (minor performance boost).
  • Color improvement and Ore Extractors and Maintenance Platform.
  • Improved close distance texture rendering on Ore Extractors and furniture.
  • MPS will now inform the player if Ore/Crystal type in the Ore Vein is depleted.
  • Improved camera dirt effect. I will now change color depending on the dominating light, and the center of the screen will always be clean to not hinder player visibility.
  • Day-night cycle is now 25% shorter.
  • Transition between the night and day (the complete darkness moment right before the sun rises) is now shorter by 70%.
  • Fog color now depends on the sun color, planet color, and environmental effects.
  • Gas Giant is now moveable, properly reflecting light from the star.
  • Depending on the position of the planet, nights can become 50% of its normal brightness to 150%.
  • Improved sun position calculation (minor performance boost).
  • Change the name of Hydrogel Storage to Hydrogel Tank.
  • Hydrogel Tank now adds 10000 Hydrogel Storage rather than 5000.
  • Hydrogel Tank construction cost increase:
    /// From 4000 energy to 6000.
    /// From 3 Stages to 4.
    /// From 7 Liquid Construction Component to 10.
    /// From 0 Solid Constrcution Component to 4.
  • Hydrogel rebalances:
    /// Command Center now stores 1 hour of oxygen (from 45 minutes) and contains 360 Hydrogel.
    /// Atmospheric Vaporator now produces 1.5 Hydrogel rather than 10.
    /// Oxygen Tank requires 60 Hydrogel for construction rather than 600.
    /// Oxygen Station now stores 180 hydrogels rather than 1800.
    /// Med-Spray from 750 Hydrogel to 120.
    /// Stimpak from 750 Hydrogel to 200.
    /// Neuclir from 500 Hydrogel to 100.
    /// Nutrino Bar from 300 Hydrogel to 60.
    /// Nutrino Box from 1000 Hydrogel to 250.
    /// All tunnel connectors from 100 Hydrogel to 10.
    /// Bio-Recycler now stores 200 Hydrogel from 1000, and use 5 Hydrogel when activated rather than 25.
    /// Tirix Fusion Power Plant now stores 100 Hydrogel rather than 300.
    /// Hydrogel Purificator now stores 500 Hydrogle rather than 1000.
    /// T-1 Storage now stores 50 Hydrogle rather than 1000.
  • Energy Balance Changes:
    /// Liquide Construction Component energy requirement lowered from 2000 to 1250.
    /// Refined Polan Crystal energy requirement lowered from 5000 to 2000.
    /// Refined Xavoc Crystal energy requirement lowered from 3000 to 1500.
    /// Crystalized Construction Component energy requirement lowered from 4000 to 2000.
    /// Battery ST-1 energy requirement lowered from 10 000 to 5 000.
  • Completely redone scanning light effect on MPS.
  • Glass is now also affected by environmental degradation (dirt/dust).
  • Set objects are now scan-able by MPS.
    /// Metos Drone.
    /// Metos Warrior.
    /// Metos Grower.
    /// Alien Obelisks.
    /// Alien Temple.
    /// Alien Square.
    /// Alien Sarcophagus.
    /// Vanduti Crystal Beacon.
    /// All Door Controls (buttons).
    /// Cave Support Beams (with light).
    /// Holo Signs.
    /// Holo-Viewers.
    /// Corporate Containers.
    /// Metos Nest.
  • Minor graphical improvement to MRT.
  • MPS information can now change depending on the object's live properties (MPS will reset data each second when scanning even after the initial scan to change the information provided if needed).
  • MPS will now provide "container dimension" (class size) when scanning any type of storage container.
  • Added additional scan-able objects into the Ancient City.
  • Minor adjustments to Gemini Section of the game.
  • Added curve effect to some of the UI elements (this effect is bound directly to the UI rather than directly to the camera effects, which won't lower the frame rate/performance).
  • Beacon button will now change the color of its text in the "Planetary Surface Overlook" if it's our current position.
  • Change function name of "Extensive Extraction" in Ore Extractor to "Extensive Ore Extraction Mode", to minimize confusion.
  • Save and Load system can now adjust to new furniture (storage) added to the game by the developer, it can also adjust save to load the content of one furniture into another in case of furniture switch was needed.
  • Information window of a currently selected beacon in the "Planetary Surface Overlook" will now adjust its size to the amount of information in it.
  • Gas Planes removed from the game, switched with new localized fog emitters.
  • Drasticly improved environmental gas zone distance calculation. (calculations needed for affecting players stats based on player distance, type of gas, amount of gas .etc).
  • CCC bot list now shows bot name and bot type.
  • Speed up interaction with the screen when weapon/tool is equipped.
  • Graphical modification to the camera rendering (text sharpening on UI) will be activated after the map is shown not before.
  • Global Music and Global Ambient will now respect the save system and instantly change on load rather than gradually adjust.
  • Reductions in drawcalls by 70% in all holographic signs.
  • Visual improvement to holographic keyboards, they also generate their own emanating light.
  • Visual improvement to Hydrogel Tank.
  • Added new sound effect when player "Journal" is updated.
  • Decrease in draw calls in Lamps, Hydrogel Tank, Power Storage. (very minor performance boost).
  • Increased the item name, and message board text size.
  • Failed Objective Bar was removed from Objectives Window. (failed missions are now stored in the completed objectives bar).
  • Complete rebuild of CCC UI.
  • CCC now features Base Status, Bot Control, Crew Status, Planetary Map, RTS (Base Construction) as separated screens.
  • Added Base Statistics to the Base Status window in CCC.
  • Added Operations logs to Base Status window in CCC.
  • Construction bot will now print all of his movement triggers, commands, and errors in the Operations Log.
  • Added ability to change the base name.
  • Solar Panels will now produce 25 energy at peak sunlight and clear sky (from 12 at peak no negative weather effect).
  • Minor adjustment to temple texture, to improve blending.
  • Base name is now connected to Map Points of Interest Detection.
  • Bots will now read points of interest and base beacons by name and not by code. Allowing the player to use his own base name as the target location.
  • Bots will now trigger messages to the player only when in close proximity.
  • Player is now able to read bots logs from CCC.
  • Added a new inventory system to the game.
  • Inventory and storage are no longer set slot base but upgraded to use IP system (Inventory Points)
  • Inventory and Storage can now have as many slots for items as IP allows.
  • Every single item in the game is now IP weight Based.
  • When reloading a weapon or tool, the inventory system will now find all ammunition in the inventory and fill the weapon till it is at max, rather than using only the first found ammo slot.
  • Player is now able to once again split items in the storage with the ability to drop items directly from it to the ground.
  • Player is once again able to eat directly from the storage.
  • Over 40 % of the script was optimized into four mathematical sequences increasing inventory, item, and storage logic by over 4500%.
  • User Interfaces of all Storage Screens, will now display the percentage of used space rather than the number of slots taken (as slots aren't a limit anymore).
  • Updated Inventory Legend.
  • Command Centers, Bio-Recyclers, and Ore Extractors can now have a randomly generated loot.
  • Drastically increase the calculation speed of all storage screens.
  • Bio-Recycler will now set its work time, by 2 x (Amount of IP used) with a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 1000 seconds, rather than 60 seconds per slot (even if the slot had only 1 flower).
  • Holster weapon/tool will now remember the item as if it was a quick slot. (even if we remove the item from the inventory, and at a later date pick it up again, unholster weapon/tool will still work).
  • Items that are locked in the inventory can now be moved.
  • Added item and storage generation into separate asynchronous code, speeding up game start.
  • When shooting a weapon, or using a tool that uses ammo, each shot will decrease the IP in the inventory.
  • Weapons and tools will now calculate their weight based on their set IP and the addition of ammunition IP per unit.
  • Added drag over function to the inventory.
  • All stackable items stack limit is increased to 1000.
  • Nutrino box is now stackable.
  • Player is now able to drag items from inventory and storage directly on Reference Bar (as a reference).
  • Player is now able to throw away items from inventory or storage by just dragging them out of the window, and letting go.
  • Added sound effects on Reference Icons when hovered over, or dragged over.
  • Visual improvement to set of UI's:
    /// Inventory
    /// Storage
    /// Blueprint Repository
    /// CCC
    /// Character view
    /// Item split
    /// Item Details
    /// Character Stats
    /// Buffs and Debuffs
  • Wind Power, Wind Direction, and Weather Type are now saveable.
  • Improved ambient audio of weather system.
  • Added new weather types to the weather system:
    /// Clear Sky
    /// 25% Cloudy
    /// 50% Cloudy
    /// 75% Cloudy
    /// 100% Cloudy
    /// Foggy
    /// Light Rain
    /// Strong Rain
    /// Storm
  • Global Ambient sound triggers such as birds, will now change their behavior depending on the time of the day and weather.
  • Solar Panels, Ore Extractors, Bio-Recyclers, and Beacons sound effects are now occluded by objects.
  • Added physics-based rain particles.
  • Improved ambient light coming from the sun and Gas Giant.
  • 3d Gas giant replaced with hand-painted 2D.
  • Magnetic Wind Mills, will now restore their state after game load.
  • Increase flashlight range by 35%.
  • Improved speed of saving/loading functions by minimizing unnecessary security calls and cleaning arrays (removing tested objects) after each test.
  • Save/load system is now able to recompile older saves and adjust them to the new systems by creating a separate line of functions for each check that requires adjustment to a new improved script.
  • Save/load system is now able to check minor corrupted objects. It will then remove them from the checklist and arrays to prevent crashes. (errors appearing from turning off mid saves on weaker machines).
  • Saving is now adjusted to use more than one core.
  • Loading system will now pause the game before each event check to make sure all the systems are properly loaded.
  • Added new messages to Bot AI (to improve communication):
    /// Bot will now inform what he was ordered to follow.
    /// Turning Off.
    /// Turning On.
    /// Detecting Manual Control.
    /// Lifting Manual control.
    /// Returning to the home beacon.
  • Added new global wind system.
  • Added 4 wind variations (for the moment affecting only foliage, wind, and all objects affected by the wind, for example, magnetic wind turbines).
    /// Calm Weather
    /// Windy
    /// Strong Wind
    /// Extremely Windy
  • Wind system will now change its wind power.
  • Wind now will change its direction each time there is a shift.
  • Added wind effect to all non pickable foliage in the game.
  • Added new wind animation on all types of grass.
  • Improved wind system on all trees, now trees bend according to their density from top to bottom.
  • Global wind system takes a gas giant location on the sky to change its wind power.
  • Whenever taking over a bot, it will trigger a global check to activate all animations, AI, triggers, and every visual effect at the view distance to reduce errors in sudden camera position change.
  • Graphicly improved Dark Matter Cola Original, Aqua Jelly, and Rotten Aqua Jelly.
  • Added Gamma settings to the Video Options.
  • Options settings not properly save each time the main menu is closed. Even if the player forgot to apply and save it directly in the main menu.
  • Player jump range increase by 15%.
  • Added Sprint Toggle to the Key Binding Menu.
  • Crouch is now more smooth. (added additional check to make sure there aren't hitches in the animation).
  • Added Crouch Toggle to the Key Binding Menu (on by default).
  • Added Walk Toggle to the Key Binding Menu.
  • Optimization off over 29 background calculations (minor performance boost, reduction of game hitches).
  • Improved M.P.B textures.
  • Improved texture of small foliage.
  • All tree collisions are now much more precise.
  • Added new storyline pages, to Epsilon Base, and Underground Temple Base.
  • Improved grass rendering (minor performance boost).
  • Visual update to Macro Bar.
  • Added new items scattered around the level.
  • Added new items to the randomly generated loot (furniture/chests)
  • Added new tutorial triggers to explain new and already implemented gameplay elements.
  • Minor visual changes to mission title notification.
  • Save system will now save players and other bio characters thirst.
  • Added audio volume adjustment system to the jump system. From now on, the volume of all sound effects triggered by player landing will now increase depending on the height difference from position A to B.
  • Added find and select C.A.T Icon to RTS mode.
  • C.A.T construction list is now active.
  • Added new window to the Main Menu options, (Game & UI).
  • Added option to turn off special camera effects (screen distortion) to RTS mode and Bot mode.
  • Removed Polan Crystal from the First Ore Vein. (this change is only visible on the new game).
  • Increase amount of Noble, Heavy, and Metal Ore, in both first and second ore vein.
  • Eliminated over 400 drawcalls by model optimization (small performance boost).
  • Tirix Fusion Power Plant construction requirement lowered till new items are added to the game. ( Liquide Construction Component lowered from 80 to 65).
  • Dark Matter Cola and Expired Dark Matter Cola now provides 100 Hydration from 40.
  • Vivi Drink and Expired Vivi Drink now provides 330 Hydration from 250.
  • Visual update to Double Door mesh.
  • LionsMat system updated to version 3. LionsMat is now able to render multiple textures on a single drawcall while still providing high-quality textures with different resolutions.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • When connecting to RTS mode or Bot Control, wrong Anti Aliasing was used.
  • Minor typos fixed in CCC.
  • Neurocore in MedBay didn't react after the first conversation (which is correct) but It didn't show an empty dialog window.
  • Metos Wing was unscannable.
  • Argus bot (type Oculus) could be added to the bot ownership list twice if missions didn't load from saving before CCC creates its list.
  • Player was able to use items from the quick slot bar when interacting with computers or in the middle of a conversation with NPC.
  • When interacting with the Computer Screen or starting a dialog, the play holstered his weapon after focusing on animation rather than before.
  • Player didn't reequip his weapon/tool after using the computer screen or ending the conversation.
  • Character View had a chance to not reset properly after ending manual control of a bot.
  • MMC didn't refresh its construction list after changing its slot sequence, when "create all" is active.
  • MMC will now always create the first item on its list rather than check item ID and its position on the construction list.
  • After death Metos Drone and Metos Warrior bones starter to twitch because of the physics system not registering that animations are no longer active.
  • NPC bones collision reset to default disabling ragdoll physics.
  • Neurocore save slot didn't refresh its time imprint info if "Quick Save" was used while Neurocore save slots are visible on the screen.
  • Save Icon didn't appear after the second load when using the "Quick Save" function.
  • Activating Steam Overlay, broke some of the background calculation.
  • When selecting bot in CCC, the current status always defaults to idle. (rather than checking if the bot is on/off).
  • Oculus showed the wrong preview when selecting in CCC.
  • Bot could have zero power consumption if the player exits bot control while jumping with sprint activated and deactivating nightvision at the same time.


  • M.P.S screen increase by 15%.
  • UI of M.P.S increase by 15%, font size by 10%, icons lowered by 15%.
  • Added ID security system to all bots, buildings, etc. when adding to ownership lists.
  • Minor visual improvement to MMC UI.
  • Added location bound sound cue to Bio-Meter activated when the player is below 1% of oxygen or nutrient.
  • Added light and UI visual cue when the player is below 1 % of oxygen or nutrient, status is triggered once per status change to save performance.
  • Oxygen, Nutrient, and Energy calculation were moved from player direct calculation to globalize system, saving minor performance and fixing issues connected to activating third part overlays.
  • M.P.B max energy increases from 1000 to 1500.
  • Oculus Bot max energy increases from 800 to 1200.
  • CCC now informs the player of Bot power requirements/consumption when selected.
  • Added more information when scanning these items:
    /// Bio-Container Aequus
    /// Bio-Container Bilitor
    /// Biowaste
    /// Bio-Container Curatio
    /// Bio-Container Dissol
    /// Bio-Container Ercore
    /// Bio-Container Ferox
    /// Metos Wing
    /// Metos Jaw
    /// Metos Claw
    /// Gracheri
    /// Arachnorex
    /// Noble Metal Ore
    /// Metal Ore
    /// Heavy Metal Ore
    /// Refined Polan Crystal
    /// Polan Crystal
    /// Xavoc Crystal
    /// Refined Xavoc Crystal
    /// TRX Ammo Pack
    /// Subincar
    /// Odo Roll
    /// Nutrino Bar
    /// Nutrino Bar (Expired)
    /// Nutrino Box (Expired)
    /// Nutrino Box
    /// Camubron
    /// Golden Malok
    /// Bluefloir
    /// Dynka (Seedling)
    /// Dynka (Matured)
    /// Dynka (Overgrown)

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • Quick Save and Quick Load keybinding were not visible in the Main Menu Controls Window.
  • Metos (Warrior) Abdomen item had wrong texture material.
  • By manipulating save files, the player was able to trigger the completion of the "Preparing for the Storm" mission.
  • Experimental fix for possible Fatal Error related crashes.


  • When in RTS mode, selecting a building will now highlight the entire building rather than just the main part of it.
  • Right-click on the selected item in the inventory/storage will now unselect it.
  • Added mention of right-clicking to unselect to the info window in the inventory.
  • Improved collision calculation at high-speed moveable objects. (bullets fly now 75% faster).
  • Anti Aliasing quality improved on higher Anti Aliasing option settings.
  • Solid Construction Component now requires 15 Heavy Metal Ore for creation rather than 2.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • RTS system didn't refresh the UI of Ore Extractors after loading the game.
  • Light Fog interaction is activate even when light is turned off.
  • Some of the Metos body parts had offset collision mesh.


  • Added new structure "Post Light".
  • Added Post Light to construction list.
  • Added new foliage.
  • Added gas like zones.
  • Added new creature.
  • Added area of effect buffs and debuffs.
  • Added visual effect to "Lesser Poisoning" Debuff, which scales with the intensity of poisoning.
  • Each controllable character, (Main Character, MPB, Oculus etc.) now posses its own camera post-processing function that is controlled from the same global stat system. (poison effect from the main character won't affect bot view, but on return, all camera effects will reset to correct negative/positive visual effects).
  • Certain foliage when in high enough accumulation is now able to create a microbiome.
  • Redesign Main Menu UI.
  • New Main Menu level added to the game.
  • From now on, the ore extractor will automatically turn off all outside blueprint upgrades if set to Extensive Extraction as it won't be able to use them anyway.
  • Player is now able to use the Extensive Extraction option even if Ore Vein is not yet depleted.
  • Added per bone animations, allowing to show Bio-Ring/Biometer, and MPS or MRT at
    the same time.
  • All buffs and debuffs are now separated into groups of influence. For example, poisoning won't affect bots/drones, only organic and mixes.
  • Added additional light point to Bio-Ring/Biometer.
  • Improved Cemara Lag to make it less distracting.
  • Changed the name of structure "Lamp" to "Path Light".
  • Path Light now additionally requires 1 Solid Construction Component.
  • Increase light strength of "Path Lights" by 25%.
  • Improved hands and handheld item mesh rendering, to minimize object clipping.
  • Improved world landscape texture scale.
  • Gas Giant above Karenos is now 30% more active.
  • Added new behavior to AI, (Self-Destruct).
  • Increase connector size by 70% to make it easier to hover over to align buildings.
  • All lights in the game will now simulate the shape they are coming from (if possible and/or won't change the performance requirement for the light itself by more than 5%).
  • Added global material pixel displacement to all tree trunks, and its leaves to simulate a very low-cost sway on the wind.
  • Update to Lions-Mat v5, mesh procedurally painted by Lions-Mat save their pixel color ID to prevent texture stretch when displaced in any direction.
  • Created a separate Anti Aliasing system that is activated only when using 3d UI, new anti-aliasing is visible and occluded only on 3d UI while on top of a separate layer of default Anti Aliasing. This system will stabilize small details on 3d UI and sharpen text when scrolling.
  • Improved Head Bobbing.
  • Drastically improved shadow generation from mesh in all structures. Increasing accuracy by around 90%, lowering light bleeding through walls, and gaps between tunnel connectors.
  • Minor script optimization to the main character smoothing up camera movement.
  • Improvement to Holo Sinds Light visibility.
  • Improvement to Holo Posters Light distance rendering, visibility, and color tint.
  • Refreshed and optimized "Path Light" mesh.
  • Improved sound virtualization.
  • Increase sound range and volume of Metos Drone by 20 % and Metos Warrior by 50%.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • Maintenance Platform didn't register bots.
  • When loading the game, buildings in stage 0 of construction have default collision settings.
  • Minor typo errors fixed.
  • Field of View slider didn't print the correct number on load (in the main menu > options > video).


  • Added new animations to M.P.B (bot).
    /// 3 new idle animations
    /// Hover animation blender with all other animations
    /// Pick Up animation
    /// Use/Operate Animation
  • Added new animations to Oculus (bot).
    /// 3 new idle animations
    /// Use/Operate Animation
  • Bots now emit sound effects/voice when interacting with the player, environment, completing his tasks, and between other bots.
  • Bots now print error messages when unable to complete a task. Messages will appear when:
    /// Bot with no hands will try to pick up an object.
    /// Bots inventory is full and cannot add any more items.
    /// Storage that bot wants to put items too is full.
    /// Item is too big to put into the inventory.
    /// After 8 seconds of calculating bot is still unable to find any way to the set location.
  • Added 12 new voices/sound effects for bots.
    /// 4 sound effect/voices for "affirmative"
    /// 4 sound effect/voices for "error"
    /// 2 sound effect/voices for "completed"
    /// 2 sound effect/voices for "attack"
  • Pitch of the voices/sound effect shifts depending on the bot size.
  • Bot Command System will now highlight interactable such us buttons and storages when selecting the "interact with target" command.
  • Bot Command System will now highlight, and print information about items when using the "Pick Up > Targeted Objects" command.
  • Bot Command System will now disable targeting when changing the command window or returning to the previous window to eliminated confusion while operating.
  • Fog density lowered to increase view distance.
  • Improved global shading (specular, and metallic) on all materials, removing shading error when in complete darkness.
  • Global darkness level lowered by 30% (player now should never experience complete pitch-black areas).
  • Improved Metos Warrior animation when idle.

//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- Player was able to update missions " INTO THE VOID " before talking with Sara.

- Metos Warrior/Drone was able to move through the stairs, unenabled them to enter buildings.

- Bot type Oculus, had problems with reaching some of the interactable items. (increase reach by 30%)

- If base Hydrogel reaches zero, RTS mode didn't reset buildings' hydrogen requirements.

- Command Control Communication station activated self-occlusion on a very high field of view while still in the player view range.


- Added a new structure: Oxygen Station.

- Added advanced bot control system.

- Added bot command option to the bot controller.

/// Pick Up
--- Targeted Objects
--- All objects around (self)
--- All of Specific Objects (scan)
/// Go
--- To Targeted position
--- Back to Base
--- To specific Beacon
/// What's your Status?
/// Cancel Orders
/// Follow
--- Me
--- Target Character
/// Interact with target (allows to use normal and additional interaction if possible)

- Added warning horn and lights to C.A.T if it detects any bot or organic life in the construction zone.

- AI is now smart enough to understand the C.A.T warning horn. All bots in the construction range will now find a location away from the danger zone IF the bot is turned on, and is smart enough to make the decision (Metos bugs won't understand what horn means even if they register it).

- Bot Control System will adjust its command systems after the first communication with the bot, changing possible orders. (ex. all orders that depend on hands will disappear from the command list if the bot is not equipt with any hands/interaction systems)

- Adjusted camera position for bots to see the small keypad.

- When loading the game, all AI will now refresh to make sure they are properly activated around the player.

- Player is now unable to pick up or interact with items when using a biometer/bio-ring.

- Player is now able to interact with bots using a bot control system, accessible when using biometer/bio-ring.

- Improved Camera Zoom to in-game screens, from now on it will adjust itself better to the player field of view, in the range of 20% difference rather than 70%.

- Bots are now aware of their body and their abilities:

/// If they have hands or not.
/// If they have storage attached to them.
/// Their health and power level.
/// Their position on the map and world map.
/// Understand that player can be their owner, enemy, ally, or unknown status to them.
/// Understand the time of the day.
///Can scan for objects, buildings, and creatures around them (this system is used with command system by default at the start of each order that uses the information of object surrounding the bot).
/// Understand the process of interaction with objects (for example if they are able to and contain hands they are now able to open doors).
/// Understands its velocity and informs the player if it's stuck or cannot get to the set location (but it will try a few times to make sure)

- Bots now possess basic systems of adjusting commands per event change (for the moment working only with changes made to the doors and environment). Example - Bot will move to the ordered position but will adjust its route if the locked door is in the way. (number of changes is unlimited until the command is completed).

- Added Octahedral Imposter Sprites support.

- Added two new key inputs:
/// Bot Control Accept
/// Bot Control Return

- Minor improvement to key bindings options visibility.

- All trees have now octahedral sprites as the last level of details (performance boost)

- Buildings in stage 0 of their build process have NO collision.

- Activating the RTS system will turn on all construction holograms for buildings that are still on stage 0 of construction.

- Construction skeleton appears on Stage 1 rather than Stage 0.

- Construction holograms are now clickable.

- When attempting to start a conversation or command a bot, a new icon will appear in the UI.

- Changed names of interacted flora items to distinguish them from the one not yet interacted with:

/// "Subincar" to "Subincar Cap"
/// "Gracheri" to "Gracheri Cap"
/// "Golden Malok" to "Golden Malok Fruit"
/// "Camubron" to "Camubron Cap"
/// "Blufloir" to "Blufloir Pistil"
/// "Arachnorex" to "Arachnorex Cap"

- Model and texture updated to:

/// Battery ST-1
/// Solid Construction Component
/// Medium doors
/// Beacons
/// Tirix Fusion Power Plant (Power Cells)

- Removed wall from Tirix Fusion Power Plant to adjust construction to new navigation mesh and future content.

- Lowered system calls from Storage T-1 and Tirix Fusion Power Plant (minor performance boost).

- Doors no longer have to recalculate nav mesh on opening and closing. (minor performance boost).

- When activating Oxygen Replenishers on Oxygen Stations, the hand with bio-ring/biometer will be automatically risen to show oxygen status.

- Improved LOD (Level of Details) visibility switchers in all trees to smooth out transitions.

- Improved Ambient Occlusion to work even in full light.

- Adjustments to global shadowing, shadows from inner objects (inner tunnel armor, boxes in caves, etc. ) will now respect shadow covering from outer objects, removing minor graphical errors. (minor performance boost).

- Removed option to drop items directly from the interacted storage unit.

- All buildings in stage 0 construction will NOT spawn any collision, physics objects, or any other asset that may affect navigation mesh.

- When checking player status (by holding TAB by default), the hand with biometer/bio-ring will now be closer to the camera to make it easier to read.

- Improved Nav mesh regeneration by around 20% depending on the navmesh scale and object density on the navmesh area of effect.

- Ore Extractors animation is now set to 60 FPS.

- Improved UI in Command Center Oxygen Station and increase its refresh rate.

- Oxygen Stations in Command Center now changes light depending on the status of Hydrogel, above 20% Green, below Red.

- Beacon construction requirement changed:
FROM - 10 Liquid Construction Component.
TO - 8 Liquid Construction Component / 5 Solid Construction Component

- Beacon max energy risen from 10 to 200.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Solar Panels instantly snap to the correct position after build if it's day time at the time of construction.

- FIX --- Ore Extractor was able to print "Warning Container Full" when he didn't detect any ore.

- FIX --- Putting down the Tablet (map system) always triggered holstered item to be equipped even if we didn't have it equipped before using the map system.

- FIX --- Some of the buildings didn't register in the base power logs.

- FIX --- Light beams had visual errors created by mist.

- FIX --- Bio Meter could detect oxygen bubbles in buildings the player was not occupying. (stoping oxygen timer)


- Added 41 construction elements to Modular Construction System.

- Added new furniture to the Modular Construction System.

- Added a new global navigation system for the entire project.

- AI path calculation distance increase from 5.000 Units to 400.000

- Added a new base to the first Karenos forest.

- Added new dialogs elements.

- Added new storyline elements.

- Updated missions:

/// In search of answers

- Added new points of interest.

- Added 3 new items:

/// Dynka Seedling
/// Dynka Matured
/// Dynka Overgrown

- Added special function buttons to the buildings info window in RTS mode.

- Updated the Ore Extraction tutorial.

- Added Extensive Extraction function to Ore Extractor.

- M.P.B now uses hands to pick up items and when interacting with active ables.

- Added two new animations to M.P.B:

/// Grab Animation
/// Click Animation

- Added sound effect to M.P.B hands when (picking up/activating).

- Projectiles can now trigger behaviors in items, interactable, and instances.

- Items can now change their behavior depending on the trigger.

- All pickable flowers will now burn off if hit with a plasma shot from Pener-07 or IMP.

- Added Turn On/Off Extraction function to Ore Extractor.

- Added energy consumption indicator to the bot user interface.

- Improved extractor calculation, now it will always find something to extract if there is something to be extracted. (no chance of getting 0 if there still is something)

- Improved extraction randomization, now everything has the same chance of being extracted.

- Improved Power and Hydrogel calculation in RTS.

- Material Improvement for bluefloir and forest deco flora.

- Each base now starts with maxed out power and hydrogel. (rather than 50%)

- Max stack size changes to selected items:

/// Basic Electronic Repository (from 10 to 5)
/// Subincar (from 50 to 30)

- LionsMat glass materials updated to version 3.0.

- Balance changes to the Energy cost of constructions:

/// Ore Extractor from 1000 to 2500 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Atmo. Airlock from 1000 to 1500
/// Bio-Recycler from 8000 to 6000 (stages from 3 to 4)
/// Beacon from 5000 to 3000 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Lamp from 1000 to 1500 (stages from 1 to 2)
/// Solar Panels from 3000 to 3500 (stages from 2 to 4)
/// Tunnel Type - I from 1000 to 2000 (stages 2 from to 3)
/// Tunnel Type - I Short from 500 to 1000
/// Tunnel Type - I Windowed from 2000 to 2500 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Tunnel Type - L from 1000 to 2000 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Tunnel Type - T from 1000 to 2000 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Tunnel Type - T Windowed from 2000 to 2500 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Tunnel Type - X from 1000 to 2000 (stages from 2 to 3)
/// Hydrogel Purificator from 9000 to 15000 (stages from 4 to 8)
/// Maintenance Platform from 15000 to 12000 (stages from 3 to 6)
/// Hydrogel Storage from 3000 to 4000
/// T-1 Storage from 5000 to 6000 (stages from 3 to 5)
/// Power Storage from 10000 to 8000 (stages from 3 to 5)
/// Tirix Fusion Power Plant from 35000 to 50000 (stages from 4 to 15)

- Player basic armor minor texture improvement.

- Visual update to Einstein–Rosen bridge between Gemini Base to Karenos.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Character View UI didn't provide information on Energy status.

- FIX --- If there is only 1 of an item in the inventory, the drop button was not visible in the action menu.

- FIX --- Possible fix for "the entry point for the CreateDXGIFactory2 procedure was not found in the dxgi.dll library" error, on Windows 7.


- Added positive and negative temporary effects system (Buffs and Debuffs), to players, bots, and buildings.

- Added 9 positive/negative temporary effects:

/// Lesser Bleeding
/// Extensive Bleeding
/// Minor Poisoning
/// Major Poisoning
/// Radiated
/// Stuffed
/// Sick
/// Overdose
/// Minor Regeneration
/// Major Regeneration
/// Affected by strong drug

- The main character window will now show all positive and negative active effects.

- Added 5 new items:

/// Med-Spray
/// Nutrino Bar (Expired)
/// Nutrino Box (Expired)
/// Vi-vi Drink (Expired)
/// Dark Matter Cola (Expired)

- Med-Spray added to the MMC.

- Nutrino Box now provides very minor regeneration on consumption.

- Subnicar now provides a sick effects on consumption and 10 Nutrient.

- Gracheri now adds 10 Nutrient on consumption and have a chance to provide a large dose of lesser poisoning.

- Golden Malok now adds 20 Nutrient rather than 10. 

- Arachnorex can now be consumed, on consumption, it adds 10 nutrient and lesser poisoning.

- Stimpak now provides major Regeneration over time rather than set heal at the start and have a high chance to add negative effect "Affected by Strong Drug".

- Neuclir will now counter minor poisoning rather than provide health.

- Bluefloir additional to minor regeneration effect, now have a small chance of helping with "sick" debuff.

- Metos Drones are now cappable of poisoning the player.

- Metos Warriors are now capable of not only poisoning the player but also inflict minor bleeding.

- Each consumable that effects nutrient level will now trigger "Stuffed" buff if the player consumes the item while being near full.

- Added additional interaction options to all items in the game (if they are useable).

- CCC screen will now refresh itself even if the player is not directly interacting with it.

- Details option in the inventory was changed to Inspect.

- Created a new inspect window for all items.

- Bio Recyclers will now enhance the extraction of bio-matter (traces level) from biological material. (1 nearly always ends at 0 now 1 will equal to 50 % chance between 0 and 1)

- To provide more information, bot/player energy and nutrient will now be printed with an additional fractional digit.

- Balance changes to TRX Ammo, Solid Construction Component lovered from 2 to 1, and Ercore Bio Component from 0 to 5.

- Added security to save/load system that will unable player to save a game while it is still saving. (the system is connected directly to the saving process rather than set delay, this delay may be near zero on high-end computers).

- Personal computer videos will now keep playing when leaving it.

- Default keys to rotate building left and right when in RTS mode are now Q and E.

- Save/Load System will now save the positive and negative temporary effects of players, bots, and buildings.

- Improved Construction Bot materialization sound effect.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Mouse sensitive is bound with the frame rate.

- FIX --- Show FPS option didn't save properly.

- FIX --- Player and bots were able to open storages through the close doors.

- FIX --- Items details panel stays on the screen if the player disables the inventory screen by triggering UI closure by activation key.

- FIX --- When moving items between storages while holding shift, inventory split moved item but didn't try to merge with the same item if detected in the inventory.

- FIX --- Nutrino Box had an incorrect description and lacked information on minor healing effects.

- FIX --- At the "Set your name" part of the introduction dialog, the player could leave the window empty and Sara didn't trigger the correct dialog response to that.

- FIX --- Player didn't stand up if crouched when trying to use CCC.

- FIX --- Some of Saras' dialog was not connected to the Voice Volume settings.

- FIX --- Player was able to open M.P.B storage in front of the bot (trace didn't respected bots body).

- FIX --- When bot lowered its position (same as crouching) when "uncrouching" bot didn't reset its movement speed lowering it to player base speed.

- FIX --- Player could block the mission trigger if while being briefed by Sara quit the game, blocking access to the said mission.


- Added new structure to the game. (The Maintenance Platform)

- Bots now spend energy when moving, sprinting, idling, and when using night vision.

- Added random loot generation to enemy corpses.

- Added new bot type to the game "Oculus"

- Added two new missions to the game.

- Mission "Into the Void" is now completable.

- Added Engine and Storage settings to bots.

- Added new animations to M.P.B.

- Added new dialog lines to the main story.

- Added new voice events.

- Save system will now save/load bots ownership.

- Bots can be powered down to save energy.

- Disable/Enable bot button in CCC is now clickable.

- Bots without legs now have the same movement speed "crouched" and "uncrouched".

- Added bot position calculation and surface scanning to allow bots perfectly land on the surface no matter the distance from the surface (in case of emergency).

- CCC will disconnect the player from the bot operation when it will detect insufficient power. (after which bot will power down).

- Added 6 new items:

/// Metos Wings
/// Metos (Drone) Body
/// Metos (Warrior) Body
/// Metos Jaw
/// Metos Claws
/// Metos Antennae

- Added new key input "Additional Interaction", used for activating additional triggers/actions/events when hovering over items/interactable.

- Metos Warriors and Metos Drones now generate random loot on death.

- The save system is now able to save the MMC production list queue, state of the MMC, and currently craftable item.

- Minor improvement to post-processing quality.

- The player is now able to unload and reload tools and weapons from within the inventory/storage.

- The player is now able to drop items directly from the inventory.

- Improved bloom effects.

- Added multi outcome trigger feature to the Mission system.

- Dialogs can now check Mission status and adjust its dialog accordingly providing different dialog options depending on the current player situation.

- An error message will appear if bot without functional hands tries to use objects/interactable that requires hands to operate.

- Bots and Player Character have now separated mouse input control settings, (the bot will now rotate slower than the player and are both independent of each other settings).

- Decouple mouse and keyboard input from the frame rate.

- Structures that didn't pass the first phase of construction will be instantly removed when canceling construction rather than awaiting dematerialization by bot.

- MMC creates each item based on its own time requirement.

- Increase edge detection range by 40 %, allowing the player to step over higher obstacles.

- Improved AI navigation mesh rendering improving AI performance when moving.

- Background code fixes to MMC, increasing its stability when creating objects.

- Improved Global Lions-Mat system, allowing objects to use normal map layering.

- Minor changes to M.P.S UI.

- Graphical update to M.P.B.

- Added two new sound effects when opening inventory.

- Major graphical improvements to Main Menu.

- Controls are now called Mouse Control in main menu options.

- Added Key Binding section to Options Menu.

- Added Camera Smoothing to RTS and FP options in the main menu mouse control options. (this smoothing is not bound to frame rate).

- Changed Oxygen Tank production requirements from 1 Liquide Construction Component to 1 Solid Construction Component.

- Added an additional level of details to Bio-Recycler (minor performance increase)

- Added icons to all building status screens.

- Save Slot will now ask the player if he is certain of erasing the save slot before deleting.

- Minor spelling fixes.

- Minor graphical improvement to Clouds.

- Bodies will despawn after 10 minutes rather than (5 min + environmental settings).

- Every corpse can now be disposed of with the use of "Additional Interaction".

- Improved Save/Load system, loading should be around 15% faster, depending on the save file size.

- Improved render distancing to all "Ancients" assets. (minor performance boost)

- Added manual save file adjustment system (allows the developer to add/delete objects directly from the save file to remove the requirement of restarting the game to see/experience new content).

- Improved Pener-07 and IMP holographic indicators.

- Balance changes to items:

/// Liquide Construction Component Increase metal ore requirement from 15 to 20 / Heavy Metal from 3 to 5.
/// Crystalized Construction Component added 5 Noble Metal ore to the recipe.
/// Battery ST-1 added 1 Noble Metal ore to the recipe.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Bot was unable to use MMC if the player took control of it, from the Overseer Mode rather than directly from the CCC.

- FIX --- Selecting useable item, and then clicking on a non-reusable item could remove said item from the inventory.

- FIX --- M.P.S set to geological scan will provide the last known amount of detected ore rather than reset itself when there are none nearby.

- FIX --- Added security system to fix 0/5 item amount bug.


- Added new structure Atmospheric Vaporator.

- Added Atmospheric Vaporator to the construction list.

- When holding the right mouse button, the player is able to rotate while holding his map.

- The moment player dies his personal map system will record his last known position.

- Increase the distance of light rendering in buildings by 400%.

- Increase Geological scanner range and precision in M.P.S by 20%.

- Changed Overseer Mode name to Robotics Taskamster System.

- Added Left Shift detection to the inventory, on simple move items between the slots and by RMB move to the slot. Holding Left Shift while performing any of the move actions will split the stack in half.

- Empty slots in inventory are now visible.

- Added double click to the inventory which will use the useable item.

- You can now unequip item by clicking LMB on the equipped item in the inventory.

- Added new information to the tutorial/information window in inventory.

- Energy and Hydrogel icons on the top left in the RTS system are now buttons that show calculations made by the system. (It will print out all the buildings that have to affect on the hydrogel or power and their effects).

- Refreshed all tutorials in the Command Center personal computer by providing rich text with colored highlights.

- Added video system to the tutorial screens providing a short video presentation of more difficult to understand systems. (for the moment only for the scanner system to test the system).

- From now on, buildings that don't have hydrogel/oxygen by default won't show the "Disable Oxygen Flow" button in the RTS system, and their Hydrogel/oxygen status will show NONE rather than 0%.

- If the player cancels construction by mistake, from now on he will be able to uncheck call for cancelation if C.A.T didn't start dematerialization.

- Added camera distance object high offset rendering (grass size object will fade out/in more smooth rather than just pop in or out) effect focuses on close to player elements.

- Added dynamic object instancing system to Solar Panels, Ore Extractor, Windows, all types of Doors, interactable components (such as buttons).

- Added Right Mouse Button click to RTS to clear any selected drone, building.

- Major changes to RTS UI.

- Updated Information screen on the map.

- Minor changes to MMC UI.

- Bio-Recycler now takes 25 units of hydrogel while working rather than 5.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- If the number of slots in the inventory is the same as the slot in the storage, the system will swap the items rather than try to merge them.

- FIX --- Power Storage activates sound effects even if not entirely build or turn on.

- FIX --- Middle Mouse Button didn't try to merge items when moved between storage windows.

- FIX --- Craft All button in MMC didn't change MMC status to "constant work" if the list was empty at the start.

- FIX --- Dematerializing building that was not yet build did not reset the connectors triggers.

- FIX --- Gravity trigger didn't work for some of the items.

- FIX --- Dropping an item/Loading an item resets it's on pickup sound effect to default.

- FIX --- Some of the activators didn't showcase activation UI information when set to close to buildings.

- FIX --- Erased saved slot requires game reset to be useable again.

- FIX --- Running the game in full screen at low resolution and then changing it to windowed fullscreen didn't set the highest possible resolution for the screen.

- FIX --- If game spawns enemy close enough to the player spawned monster won't activate it's navigation system till player won't reactivate its proximity trigger.

- FIX --- Slider in Drop Function didn't reset after use.

- FIX --- Some of the bushes were not removed by the Construction Bot when materializing the structure.

- FIX --- By spamming holster, the player was able to block the weapon/tool from being equipped.

- FIX --- By spamming macro buttons with different equipable items, the player was able to spawn items with previous item mesh still in hands.

- FIX --- Mouse wheel won't work in 3d interfaces.

- FIX --- MMC won't update item slots on the creation list if moved between the slots while working.

- FIX --- Player was able to click his own backpack when jumping from high locations breaking the inventory system.

- FIX --- Lamps turn on even if not build when night trigger is activated.


- Added new items to the game:

/// Bio-Container Aequus
/// Bio-Container Bilitor
/// Bio-Container Curatio
/// Bio-Container Dissol
/// Bio-Container Ercore
/// Bio-Container Ferox
/// Bio-Container Biowaste
/// Arachnorex
/// MRT Fuel Rods
/// Molecular Reconstruction Tool

- Added new buildable structure to the game, Bio-Recycler.

- Added bot recharge function to the game.

- Added bot repair function to the game.

- Visual improvement to Bot/Drone user interface when taking over the control.

- Improved visual damage on Bot/Drone Screen.

- Bots/Drones with hands are now able to activate Door Pads buttons.

- Bots/Drones with hands are now able to USE MMC, to create items.

- The scanner is now able to scan extensive information on every item in the game. Providing information on the structure of the item. (example, it will print out data on the biostructure of flowers).

- Rewritten building placement system (part of the RTS system) to automatically instance static parts of the buildings significantly improving performance on massive bases.

- Constructions foliage removable check is now mesh base rather than the bound base, increasing check accuracy to between 90% and 98%.

- The save/load system is now able to properly save all timers in the game. Allowing properly load and save events, items, buildings, and systems that are time-dependent.

- Construction foliage removable check is now able to check for objects that don't contain any collision, allowing objects close to the ground (such as stairs) to remove none collided foliage such a grass.

- Added new functionality to the game, the player is now able to recycler biomaterials to create biochemicals used in the creation of more complex components.

- With the improvement of item rendering we increase item visibility distance by 600%.

- Save/Load system will now save and load unconstructed buildings and add them to the construction list.

- LionsMat system is now updated to version 3 (all material effects are improved in performance and quality)

- Crouch now moves players down by 70% of their hight rather than 30%, allowing the player to crouch below most buildings.

- Added Drop All to the inventory.

- Added Exit to the main menu button.

- Sound range while crouch is lowered by 20%.

- Crouch walk speed lowered by 25%.

- Smoothen out all useable item animation.

- Improvement to data log, it will now print the name of the monster player hits.

- Added pick up sound effect to:

/// TRX Ammo
/// Liquid Construction Component
/// Vi-vi Drink

- Added use sound effect to:

/// Vi-vi Drink
/// Nutrino Box
/// Nutrino Bar
/// Odo Roll

- Added sound effects to Solar Panels when they move.

- Increase player flashlight efficiency by 20 %

- Some of the items are now restricted from being scanned.

- The day-night cycle is now at a ratio of 3/1 (we are still balancing this system).

- Doors Pad, are rewritten to boost performance.

- Ease out crouch animation.

- Added support for actor grouping when saving data, allowing us to save thousands of flora and fauna actors.

- All pickable flowers/shrooms etc. are now saveable.

- Added foliage generators to the game.

- Night Vision added to RTS System (Overseer Mode) and Bot/Drones.

- All the trees and rocks have now different levels of detail transition to limit the popping effect.

- Improved Save/Load system to lower the amount of studdering in the first seconds after load.

- Added new foliage assets to Karenos levels.

- Item spawning and despawning is now more efficient. (minor performance boost when handling a large amount of objects).

- C.A.T (Construction Bot) will now dematerialize all Items/Life forms located in the materialization beam (even if in the building).

- All item icons are now set to look similar to the item itself.

- Added new assets to an underground research station.

- Minor improvement to base stats calculation.

- When moving items between storages and in the inventory, items provide correct sound effects representing theirs on move sound effects.

- Bio Meters compass will work about 20 % smoother.

- Vivi Drink and Dark Matter Cola are no longer able to be created at MMC.

- Added Hunger Icon to the biometer set to warn the player at 30% and 10% hunger.

- Doors pad will now showcase if the door is locked, password-protected, or open by color on the Pad UI.

- Updated Save/Load system to allow saving all types of activators connected to other objects, buildings, creatures.

- Windows in all buildings now save their state.

- Minor visual adjustment to Oxygen Station.

- Visual update to Subnicar.

- The player is now able to use items directly from the container.

- Increase the amount of Subnicars 300%.

- Minor visual update to Liquide Construction Component.

- Visual update to Camubron
- Increase the amount of Camubron by 400%.

- Visual update to set UIs.

/// Pener-07 UI.
/// IMP UI.
/// Ore Extractor Information Screen
/// All holo sinds
/// Building Information Screen
/// C.A.T storage screen.
/// T-1 Storage screen.
/// Door Pads.
/// Bio-Meter
/// Personal Maps
/// M.P.S UI.
/// All power plant screens.
/// MMC screen
/// CCC screen
/// All personal computers

- Improved skeletal sockets of player animation to improve scanner and other tools position adjustment.

- Visual update to textures of Noble Ore, Metal Ore, Heavy Metal Ore to make them easier to distinguish from each other.

- The player is now able to start a new game without the need of going back to the main menu.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Player is able to affect 3d UI (computer screens) even if not focused on them.

- FIX --- If moving swiftly between buildings and outside areas, the player is able to sometimes bug the ambient audio.

- FIX --- Oxygen was not being depleted if moved swiftly outside of buildings while alt-tabbing.

- FIX --- Power Storage doesn't have collision before building.

- FIX --- Unconnected Neurocore didn't show proper avatar.


- Added smooth Ambient transition when triggering the night time.

- Eased out music and ambient transition by 50%.

- Added rested system to the game, if the player is not moving for longer than 10 seconds he will spend only half of the nutrient. (this system works also when players is in MMC, Overseer Mode, Bot Control Mode).

- Minor visual change to highlight shader.

- Quick Save and Quick Load added to the game.

- Added Quick Save and Load Inputs to the Options>Controls.

- Stimpaks are now stackable to a max of 5.

- MMC will now understand MMB when clicking on the Item List (which will result in adding the item to the list) and crafting a list (which will result in removing one item from the list).

- Erasing save files is now only available in the main menu.

- Minor visual update to MMC UI.

- When using CCC, the player will now trigger a correct work animation.

- Added the first version of the corpse spawn system after player death.

- All Command Centers even those not controlled by the player will have open MMC with base items to construct.

- Nutrient balance changes to set item:

/// Golden Malok now provides 12 nutrients from 5.
/// Camubron now provides 35 nutrient from 20.
/// Odo Roll provides 700 nutrients from 500.
/// Nutrino Bar provides 200 nutrient from 120.
/// Dark Matter Cola provides 50 from 30.
/// Vi-Vi drink provides 150 from 100.

- Nutrino Box now heals 4 health when eating.

- Vi-vi drink provides 5 health when drinking rather than 2.

- Ore extractor will now inform the player if its container is full.

- Added security to ore extractor that will keep data on the ore/crystals it tries to add to the container when its full, to instantly add it when space is available.

- Improved night sky, stars, and nebula will now simulate movement.

- Minor visual update to Missions Log.

- RMB on quickslot will now clear reference of the item.

- Updated Inventory tutorial with new functionality.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Missions log didn't change the color of the buttons when pressed.

- FIX --- Missions didn't archive in the correct section.

- FIX --- The Save system had a chance to incorrectly save T-1 Storage because of ID duplication.


- Improved Command Center Model and LOD (minor performance boost).

- Recipe changes to buildings:

/// Ore Extractor
Liquid Construction Component changed from 5 to 7
Solid Construction Component changed from 0 to 3
/// Solar Panels
Liquid Construction Component changed from 1 to 2
/// T-1 Storage
Liquid Construction Component changed from 10 to 12
Solid Construction Component changed from 0 to 5
/// Hydrogel Purificator
Liquid Construction Component changed from 60 to 50
Crystalized Construction Component changed from 0 to 4

- Ore Extractor will now print two messages on the screen indicating that ore vein is empty.

- Reference Icon now haves a 1-second cooldown when using to prevent spamming the "use" items.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////////////

- FIX --- Triggers of lamps and holo signs don't react to the lever in the caves.

- FIX --- Solar Panels animation doesn't trigger till you reenter their trigger area with the player.

- FIX --- Buildings with thin walls are able to be built inside of other buildings on certain angels.

- FIX --- Alt-tabbing from the game while Overseer/Bot UI is open and then loading the game will keep the UI open even if not in the correct interface.

- FIX --- Command Center could produce energy from solar panels even at night.

- FIX --- Solar Panels didn't smoothly shut down after night time is detected.

- FIX --- Ore Extractors could work with 0 power.

- FIX --- Some of the missions on completion didn't update last goal points.


- Planetary map added to the game.

- Updated functionality of some of the mission.

- Added information/instruction button to Inventory and Storage, with a window that shows useful information on the Inventory system.

- Added a new animation presentation to each building in the Overseer Mode (RTS).

- Buildings connectors in Overseer mode (RTS) won't spawn if already used by unconstructed structures.

- The player is now able to put a mark on the sector map.

- Added UI animation to sector map.

- Added Grid change Button to Overseer mode (RTS)

- Player is now able to change grid size when placing buildings to:

/// 50
/// 100 (default)
/// 200
/// 500
/// 1000

- Update sector map info window content.

- The player is able to mark an already known point of interest on the sector map.

- Added save markers, markers state and markers location to save/load system.

- Markers are now visible on the player Bio Meter compass.

- The player does not have any limit on how many known markers can be selected, but only one player created marker can be visible.

- Compas markers location by their respective icons.

- Drastically improved collision detection in Overseer mode.

- Visual update to Keypads.

- Improved textures/specular/normalmap of all rocks.

- Increase night brightness by 50%

- Improved night sky.

- The sector map is now much more accurate.

- Ore Extractor visual update.

- Lowering save slots amount to 4 from 5.

- Improved head bobbing when running.

- Update Save/Load window in the menu.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////////////

- FIX --- On death item currently equipt won't despawn leaving unpickable item.

- FIX --- When saved in the RTS system it will duplicate the player on load.


- Recreated Player Bio Meter.

- Player Bio Meter provdies additional information:

/// Player energy status
/// Player health
/// Player oxygen timer
/// Player neuro state
/// Compas system
/// Day/Night visual representation

- MMC Power Status now shows the exact amount of base current and max power.

- MMC Hydrogel Status now shows the exact amount of base current and max hydrogel.

- Picking up an item will now calculate the trajectory of the pickup animation from the position of the player/bot camera to the center of their backpack/storage to ease out picking up items that can be bigger than 50 % of the player/bot height.

- Looking at the screen, at dialog starter and resetting the camera is now 30 % faster and smoother.

- At the end of look at screen animation players mouse, position will now center to make sure he is taking the control of the screen mouse cursor.

- The hunger level is now checked every 4 seconds rather than each second.

- Nutrient Value fell from 3600 to 1000.

- Rebalance all Nutrition based items in the game.

- First Oxygen alert now appears at 30 % rather than 40 %.

- Added low nutrition level warnings at 30 % and 10 %.

- Added voice effect warning to low nutrient.

- Ease out sunrise and sunset to remove light popping.

- Added secondary sunrise and sunset triggers to allow solar panels to work one hour longer.

- Lights will now turn on 1 hour earlier and turn off 1 hour later.

- Shorten the night by 15%

- Added the Bug Report button to the main menu.

- Added new input "Exit Bot".

- Minor adjustments to Bot UI.

- Added Neurocore Icon to the main character UI.

- The player is now able to use the main menu while in the bot and safely save the game.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Dialog stops working in the second quest third section of the dialog.

- FIX --- Bots bug dialog system if interacted with Neurocore.

- FIX --- MMC creation sound is not distance-based.


- Improved main menu level.

- Solar Panels provide 40% more energy.

- Command Center provides 30% more energy

- Data Storage - Solar Panel Optimization T-1 now provides 70% energy boost from 50%


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

- FIX --- Soft lock when activating note in power plant #5 in an underground base.

- FIX --- Scanners at Underground Temple research base didn't save their triggers.

- FIX --- Minor object popping.


- Bullets now calculate their trajectory from the start point to the endpoint with adjustments to shooter rotation, impact point rotation, and normals of the object. (increases collision accuracy of the hit and allows correct spawning of particle effects).

- Added new type of material physics collision.

- Added particle effect to plasma bullets impact point:


- Added 17 new sound effects to the plasma bullet hit.

- Added new storyline elements.

- Upgraded collision detection of fired bullets to per material impact point (increase collision accuracy of bullets)

- Added body generator system, that duplicates position and rotation of each skeletal mesh of a creature/bot and creates a correct static mesh that replaces skeletal mesh, dramatically increasing performance per body amount increases. (performance boost).

- Improved Missions Start UI animation.

- Added sound effect to Mission Start.

- Added bot partitions system.

- Bots are now split to sections:

//Left Arm
//Right Arm

- Synt-paper visibility change speed increase by 30%.

- Added per layer on the mesh post-processing effect system.

- Added new post processing effects to:

//Character View
//Bot View
//CCC bot view
//Overseer (RTS system) building view

- Improved load speed in the save/load system, by increasing the number of array checks by 30 %.

- Visual update to Temple Portal Activator.

- Improved Portal creation visual effects.

- Improved occlusion of light in the project by 30 %

- Increase object detection by around 20 % depending on object size. (this system is used for hiding unseen objects to improve performance)

- Convert all texts and strings in the game to be translation ready.

- Visual update to the game logo.



- FIX --- Main Menu freezes for few seconds if all of the save slots are used.

- FIX --- Bots engine audio stops working when the player takes control over a bot when the audio system changes the ambient sound from day to night.

- FIX --- Shadow errors on trees and bushes.

- FIX --- Minor memory leak in Gemini Base.

- FIX --- M.P.S is not triggering discovery in Ore Veins till game reload.

- FIX --- Small Residence building didn't change the ambient sound.

- FIX --- Graphical Options Menu, shows resolution settings when window borderless is the first to load.

- FIX --- Solar Panels animations jump between the frames on the first load and on sunrise.

- FIX --- Player is able to use Quick Slot while interacting with computers or in the middle of a dialog.

- FIX --- Glass material won't rotate with the mesh giving visual errors.

- FIX --- On low frame rate player is able to faze through collision when teleporting from Gemini to Karenos.

- FIX --- When the building is finished constructing, Base Dome registers that building twice. (opening for possible logistic bugs)

- FIX --- Player is not receiving oxygen if using CCC. (RTS system, World Map System, Bot Control System).



- The set Priority button in the construction system is now active.

- Pause construction in the construction system is now active.

- Added new assets to Karenos Sector 7 landscape.

- Added 6 new soundtracks to the project.

- Mission Eyes, Ears and Mind is now completable.

- Added two new completable missions.

- Added one unfinished mission.

- Added additional dialog elements to the project.

- Dematerializing buildings now provide roughly 50 % of recourses.

- The save system is now an Account base rather than slot base.

- Save system now showcases save icon on the bottom right when saving.

- Save system now saves data in chunks to lower save sizes.

- The save system will now load only the data required per level and per character.

- Added minor security to prevent possible data corruption on load.

- Improved all glass material in the game.

- Players Bio-Meter will now replenish player oxygen status by a burst of 10 units (10 seconds) from any sources that contain oxygen (not only buildings).

- Missions are now saved by the system.

- Missions data can now migrate between levels.

- Useable in hand items now have soft sway when controlled.

- New sound effects added to the project.

- Improvement to texture streaming method (performance boost)

- Update to level lighting on foliage and other environmental elements (performance boost)

- Update to organic object scaling (performance boost)

- Added animation to quick slots.

- Update to Lions Roar system.

/// Ambient Sound Effects are now able to attach themself to the correct mesh (example - birts to trees)
/// Sound Effect are spawned/despawned based on player location to save on performance.
/// Change behavior depending on the time of the day or special events.

- Added new ambient sound effect to Karenos Level.

- CCC Construction Bot slows down and speeds up 33% faster.

- Minor visual update to Solar Panel.

- Improvement of Solar Panel Animation.

- Improved Dialog System:

/// Dialog systems are now able to check not only player stats but each building, ore vein, the status of all types of events, time, mission progress and level statistics.
/// Dialog system is now affected by the progress of each mission, changing it to fit the correct sequence.

- Improved Missions system:

/// Submissions are now updated per change, adjusting themself when needed. (Once completed submission can be changed back to uncompleted if the player changes the end status).
/// Mission system is now streamed globally on the level rather than per game load. (Missions will be transferred between levels, even if they cannot be affected by the current zone, allowing the player to monitor it if needed).

- Holster weapon can now be clicked again to equipment the last holstered usable hand item.

- Item holstered by the map system will now be equipped back when leaving the map.

- Ore Vein content rebalanced. (added around 20 % resources)

- Fog in Karenos Level is now softer increasing view range by 20 %.

- Player Name creation added to the game.

- World Map will now print player name when hovering over the player icon.

- The player name/bot name is now a saveable variable.

- Improved sunlight intensity stability (more light on the map = more power for solar panels)

- Improved Engine AntiAliasing (long-range object should not flicker as much in the fog / through transparent objects such as glass)

- Improved oxygen and power base calculation (minor performance boost)

- Added on use sound effect to:

/// Dark Matter Cola
/// Oxygen Tank
/// Bluefloir
/// Subincar
/// Gracheri
/// Camubron
/// Stimpak
/// Neuclir

- Added new on pick up sound effect to:

/// Nutrino Box
/// Solid Construction Component
/// Heavy Metal Ore
/// Noble Metal Ore
/// Metal Ore
/// Dark Matter Cola

- Remodeled some of the assets in the Gemini Base to remove unused assets elements lowering the amount of calls object make while playing. (minor performance boost).

- Updated buttons in CCC (RTS System) UI.
- Balance changes to Solar Panel Improvement Data Storage from 30 % to 50 %.

- Update to Geological Scanner UI font for better visibility.

- Updated project to new engine version.

- Added possible fix for the DirectX and graphics card related error.



- FIX --- Spawned support items (such as Black Matter Cola) didn't despawn after providing set support.

- FIX --- Save system was able to save non-existintent items by use of "Ghost Data".

- FIX --- Point of interest triggers, message triggers, scalability triggers won't be triggered by the bot if it's not under player control.

- FIX --- Player created T-1 Storage resets it's content ID, breaking storage state on load.

- FIX --- When equipping an item while another item is already equipt, the equipped item won't despawn before the animation is finished creating a visual bug of two items appearing in the hand at the same time.

- FIX --- The player was unable to add the item to the quick slot if that item is currently in use.

- FIX --- If the icon of a used item is clicked in inventory and then the said inventory is refreshed, the icon didn't show proper "use" item color.

- FIX --- Ambient sound popping when swiftly moving between buildings.

- FIX --- Global Ambient popping when triggering ambient sound activators that directly affect global ambient.

- FIX --- On rare occasion on load duplicates Lions Roar system.

- FIX --- Metos spawns from spawner each time player kills one rather than calculate chance on spawning.



- New weapon added. (IMP)

- Added IMP blueprint too the Standart Command Center blueprint set.

- New Data Storage added. (Pener-07)

- New Data Storage added. (Ore Extraction Optimization T-1)

- Added weight and scale specification to items and storage/inventory.

- Added new sound effects when picking up refined and unrefined crystals.

- Added ability to scan Bots and Lifeform by M.P.S

- Added 6 new sound effects for equipping and holstering items.

- Added additional building ambient sound.

Data provided:
/// Lifeform / Bot Name
/// Lifeform health / Bot Intergirty
/// Lifeform power (if contains) / Bot power status
/// Lifeform resistance possitive and negative / Bot resitance possitive and negative

- The resistance system is added to the game.

Added resistance:
/// Kinetic
/// Thermal
/// Toxic
/// Radiation

- Hunger stat is now activated, when the player depletes Nutrition value to 0, the player will start to receive damage.

- Details Window now provides more information on the object.

- Added item categories to MMC.

- Added additional information to nearly all items in the game.

- Spawners in-game now calculate the chance of spawning each creature, from the selected list.

- Lions Roar system updated to version 2

- Blue-Repo now contains an installation/uninstallation bar which takes roughly 3 seconds to complete.

- Added sound effect to Blue-Repo when installing and uninstalling.

- The details panel will now showcase objects' weight/scale specifications.

- Inventory and Storage windows will show the scale/weight specification limit.

- Position adjustments to player hands to improve visibilities of M.P.S and Bio Meter.

- Increase the Nutrition max level from 1000 to 3500.

- Sprinting now affects not only Oxygen intake but also speeds up calories burn.

- Improvement of light scattering effects from directional light, the light effect from the sun won't instantly disappear when player is not looking at the sun but slowly fade out.

- Improvement of emissive materials. (Planet will now reflect some of the light from the sun and project it onto the landscape. Providing fake light effect at night which increase visibility at almost no cost).

- Minor UI adjustments to MMC, CCC, Inventory, Chat log, Journal, message board, and Character View.

- Improved Garbage collection. (minor reduction in background hitches).

- Visual improvement to Pener-07

- Pener-07 is no longer build into starting base neurocore.

- Added notification to all missions that are still in development.

- Entire MMC UI is adjusted and visually improved for performance and better visibility.

- Optimization to Save/Load system.

- Improved Sunlight shadow accuracy fixing many visual bugs. (no changes to performance)

- Oxygen Station located in every Command Center now replenishes oxygen with 50 % more efficiency.

- Missions log buttons now indicate if their are extended.

- Minor errors fixed in the items description.

- Improved rendering and light of bullets.

- Silent missions update added to the project.

- Increase camera (sprint) speed in RTS system multiplier by 2.

- New font added (increases visibility on a smaller screen)

- Minor UI improvements to Tirix Fusion Power Plant manual.




- FIX --- Minor fixes to Main Menu settings system.

- FIX --- Scanner UI breaks when switching mode while already scanning objects.

- FIX --- Bluefloir didn't stack.

- FIX --- Player was able to interact with 3d interfaces without triggering their activation.

- FIX --- Player was able to shoot himself in a foot ending his life in an awkward way.

- FIX --- Saving in RTS mode (Overseer mode) may corrupt save slots.

- FIX --- Building preview didn't delete itself after leaving RTS mode (Overseer)

- FIX --- Solar Panels didn't activate their Sun alignment if the player is in RTS mode (Overseer)

- FIX --- The player was able to swap items between storages if both of them are locked.

- FIX --- Teleporting to Karenos from Gemini base won't reset Field of View.



- Added Blue-Repo system (new game feature for players to add buildings, items, improvements to buildings and other).

- Added new functionality to the Storage system to understand item class and subclass denying some item transfer to storage (for example Blue-Repo won't accept any anytime other than Data Storage)

- Base Neurocore is now able to learn new functionalities, MMC blueprints, RTS (Overseer) blueprints thanks to Data Storages activated in Blue-Repo.

- Tutorial on how to use Blue-Repo added to Command Center Computer station.

- Added Data Storage item set.

- Added new item Data Storage - Solar Panel improvement T-1

- Added new item Data Storage - Power Plant

- Major Improvements to Inventory/Storage system.

/// All storages and Inventory should generate much faster.
/// We changed the tile-based inventory system to list base to increase visibility and provide more information.
/// We removed an empty slot base calculation system to increase per storage performance.
/// Storage and Inventory can block items from being moved/swapped/added, for example, Blueprint Repository won't accept anything else than Data Storage items.

- Scanners' screen increase by 30 %.

- The scanner is now able to scan buildings.

Data provided:
/// Construction Name
/// Current Integrity
/// Current Power
/// Current Oxygen
/// Power Flow On/Off
/// Oxygen Flow On/Off
/// Power Output
/// Oxygen Output

- Scanner can now scan containers/storages/furnitures.

Data provided:
/// Container Name
/// Consumable and Amount
/// Equipment and Amount
/// Components and Amount
/// Weapons and Amount
/// Unknown and Amount

- Scanned Items (such as Power Cell) will now provide information on its name, type, amount and additional notes if MPS will deem it important.

- Information provided by the MPS will now stay on screen till the next scan.

- The scanner is able to filter data unaffected by the object (for example won't provide Oxygen status of the lamp)

- Increased scanner scan range by 300 %

- Dialog buttons can be now activated by keyboard keys rather than mouse only.

- Added programmable tagging system to all text used in the project.

- Added text to the message window will now have colorized key elements of the text. (example: Health will now display the amount in green, tutorial information in yellow).

- Added new tutorial messages to the game.

- Mission Log now uses a programmable tagging system, important parts of the mission will now be highlighted with a different color.

- Change of Oxygen Icon in MMC to Hydrogel Icon to keep wording consistent.

- Interact button will now stop you from interacting with any interactable object such as storage, computer and so on if already interacted with.

- MMC Interface adjusted to an improved storage system.

- Double-clicking on the MMC blueprint will add it to the production list.

- When trying to activate a window with a button while being in the said window will now close the said window rather than refresh it.

- Update to LionsMat system ((to remove poping of different LOD (level of details) we are using an experimental function on our foliage that will smooth out the transition between different LOD))

- Update to T-1 Storage "item remove" calculation by RTS system. (minor performance boost).

- Added another layer of LOD (level of details) to more complex assets. (minor performance boost).

- Minor optimization to static lights.

- Changes to all scripts that depend on the current time of the day. Now each call is set by one source (the day system) rather than per object. (increase in performance).

- Solar Panels, Lights, Command Center, Vanduti Torches, per time triggers won't call check by them selfs to save performance.

- Code optimization to the day system and new functionality added to time calculation to allow other objects/actors to be triggered by the system.

- The day system is now able to change Sun pitch and yaw.

- Day system is now able to control night and day length separately and control per hour tick for future events.

- Ore Extractor power consumption when powered ON increases from 0 to 8.

- Command Center power production increase by 50 %.

- Minor optimization to Bloom effects.

- Removed unnecessary calls from Storage system (minor performance boost when creating buildings or loading new level)

- Save/Load system will now remember player interaction with the storage and load proper function (for example if the player will activate or deactivate the server before save, load system will take proper steps to replicate this status).

- Save/Load system will now load objects closes to the player first before any other objects on the load list.

- Project clean up (deletion of unused assets replaced by new ones) (minor reduction in-game size, minor speed up on load).

- Increase tutorial messages visibility by 300 %

- Each item in the game now detects the player location and triggers all of its physics property only when the player is close enough to affect it.

-  The screen renders in a way to match the screen refresh rate with adjustments to the game field of view per tick.

- Minor improvement to the message system.

- Stability increased to the entire UI system.

- Updated to Lions Mat tree shaders.

- Visual update to Oxygen Station.

- Optimizing each widget to render/and change per effect rather than per tick. (performance increase)

- Added corruption prevention system to the Save/Load system when saving the game while in RTS mode.

- Visual update to player UI.

- Visual update to all computer screens UI.

- Stationary Computer meshes updated.

- Update to 71 background validation calls. (minor performance boost)




- FIX --- All move keys defaulted to W,S,A, and D. (and didn't accepted arrow keys for left-handed players)

- FIX --- Minor typos in the Epsilon Base Directors Office.

- FIX --- Gas Giant Rings translucency flickers on higher resolutions.

- FIX --- Some points of interest are shown in the wrong location on the map.

- FIX --- Liquid and Solid construction components when created, are spawned with the wrong amount.

- FIX --- Field of view slider resets in New Game.

- FIX --- Field of View slider didn't update text in the main menu.

- FIX --- At max FOV models disappear. (fix for broken model occlusion)

- FIX --- Visual flickering of textures on PC keyboards.

- FIX --- Tirix Fusion Power Plant generators sound effects stop working when too many sound effects are already playing in the area.

- FIX --- All audio freezing/stopping/poping/muting related issues.

- FIX --- Some of the lights from minor objects didn't occlude properly (minor performance boost)

- FIX --- Motion Blur and Field of View settings didn't load properly.

- FIX --- Before placing construction, buildings hologram shake/tremble.

- FIX --- Tirix Fusion Power Plant Computer screen shows that Power Calls are on, even if the generator is OFF.



- New Item added to the game (Crystalized Construction Component).

- New crafting blueprint added to the game.

- Metos bugs sound range increase by 40%.

- Metos volume when flying risen by 50%.

- New Field of View calculation system ((FOV was calculated only based on Y of the screen (engine standard), now FOV is calculated based on entire screen ratio)).

- Field of View now sets the percentage of preset in-game FOV.

- MMC can now construct Hydrogel based Items.

- Updated Lion's Roar system to version 2.0 (Lionsart audio system)

- Every sound effect in the game is now spawned with its respected area of affect range, if the player is not in the range it will automatically deactivate/pause/delete sound effects to save performance.

- In RTS mode (Overseer) when placing the structure in the wrong location, an error will appear in the Overseer log and error sound effect.

- Added sound effect on correct construction placement.

- Background navigation invokers optimization to NPC system (increase instability and performance)

- Increased speed to all calls/triggers made to NPC by player position or status change. (NPC performance boost)

- Slight improvement to NPC receptors (hearing and sight).

- Added two tutorials to Tirix Fusion Power Plant control screens.

- Added Main Control Panel to Tirix Fusion Power Plant, to easier, activate and deactivate the power plant.

- Increase Karenos Sector - 4 life form density by 600 %.

- Recreated Key Pad to the new design (now requires manual input).

- All audio settings are set to 75 % (from 100%) in base settings.

- Added Foliage Density Settings to provide more graphical control. (Density can be changed from 100 % to 80 % and 60 %).

- Added RTS Pan sensitivity to control settings.

- Blueprints of items can now demand Hydrogen (Oxygen/Water) for production.

- Update to Save/Load system. (Game is now able to save Power and Oxygen Flow and apply them in RTS mode)

- Added additional crash prevention system to the Save/Load system (on NPC load).

- Save/Load system is now able to save and load complex building behaviors, for example, special events that are randomly triggered in buildings such as power fluctuation.

- Lowered amount of calculation needed for the Load system by about 8 %. (speed up load time).

- Improvement of Gas Giant visual effects and activity to showcase storms located on the surface of the planet.

- Gas Giant is now more affected by the position of the sun.

- Optimization to Gas Giant planet and all of its effects. (minor performance boost).

- Visual improvement to the player icon on the map (icon now shows which direction the player is looking at).

- The map system will now check player rotation and correct player icon on the map.

- Improvement to Save/Load system (Penkura is now able to implement development placed characters directly into the old save file to update file to a newer version of the game)

- To improve performance on load, the game will now delete any corpse that does not have any possible loot.

- Increase Lamp light strength by 50%.

- Visual improvement to all Light Beams effects in the game.

- We removed the FPS counter and activated the build-in engine fps counter with milliseconds per frame counter. (more data for the player)

- Replace pure text status notification in MMC with Icon base notification. (Icons will change color to red to indicate the problem, on hover text-based status will appear with more information)

- Added new warning information to MMC, Oxygen Status.

- Optimization of footsteps function (trigger effects and calculations made for proper sound effects and footprint). (minor performance boost).

- Reduction in the amount of polygons on the last level of details (by up to 85 %)  in:

/// all wall types
/// connectors
/// wall gates
/// Lamps
/// Beacon
/// Ore Extractor
/// Metos Nest Small

- Added Level of Details to items:

/// Noble Metal Ore
/// Heavy Metal Ore
/// Metal Ore

- Balance changes to blueprints (only changes are noted below):

/// Liquid Construction Component
from 30 Metal Ore ||| to 25 Metal Ore

/// MPS
from 2 Liquid Construction Component, 2 Battery ST-1, 2 Basic Electronic Repository ||| to 2 Solid Construction Component, 1 Battery ST-1, 1 Polan Crystal Refined, 3 Basic Electronic Repository

/// Stimpak
from 2 Solid Construction Component ||| to 1 Solid Construction Component

/// Battery ST-1
from 5 Liquid Construction Component, 1 Polan Crystal Refined, Energy Cost 1000 ||| to 2 Solid Construction Component, 3 Polan Crystal Refined, Energy Cost 10 000

/// Basic Electronic Repository
from Energy Cost 500 ||| to Energy Cost 2500

/// Refined Xavoc Crystal
from 2 Solid Construction Component, Energy Cost 0 ||| to 0 Solid Construction Component, Energy Cost 3000

/// Refined Polan Crystal
from 2 Solid Construction Component, Energy Cost 0 ||| to 0 Solid Construction Component, Energy Cost 5000

/// Neuclir
from 2 Solid Construction Component ||| to 1 Solid Construction Component

/// Pener-07
from 5 Polan Crystal, 10 Liquid Construction Component, Energy 5000 ||| to 2 Crystalized Construction Component, 5 Liquide Construction Component, Energy 9000

/// Oxygen Tank
from 1 Liquide Construction Component, Oxygen 0 ||| to 1 Solid Construction Component, Oxygen 600

- Balance changes to Constructions (only changes are noted below):

/// Solar Panels
from 2 Liquide Construction Component, 5 Solid Construction Component, 2 Polan Crystal Refined ||| to 1 Liquide Construction Component, 3 Solid Construction Component, 0 Polan Crystal Refined, 1 Crysalized Construction Component

/// Tirix Fusion Power Plant
from 130 Liquide Construction Component, 25 Refined Xavoc Crystal, 30 Refined Polan Crystal, Energy Cost 12000 ||| to 80 Liquide Construction Component, 0 Refined Xavoc Crystal, 0 Refined Polan Crystal, 25 Solid Construction Component, 15 Crystalized Construction Component,  Energy Cost 35000

/// Power Storage
from 5 Liquide Construction Component, 2 Refined Polan Crystal ||| to 3 Liquide Construction Component, 0 Refined Polan Crystal, 1 Crystalized Construction Component

- Crash prevention added in case of NPC being spawned before he is able to be set to a correct spawn spot.

- Increase in production size of TRX Ammo from 20 to 25.

- Visual improvement to Gemini Temple Materials.

- Optimization to Player Animation scripts. (minor performance boost)

- Visual update to DMC Poster

- Visual update to Holographic Connectors (in RTS system) type  A, B and Selected.

- Mesh optimization to tunnels plugs.

- Minor Visual update to Command Center

- Visual update to Tirix Fusion Power Plant

- Visual update to Positive and Negative hologram construction placement.

- Added system to visual all overlapping objects in construction holograms.

- Adjustments (Object Creation) tutorial to new content.

- Major improvement to Widget/UI graphical refresh (minor performance boost).



- FIX --- Wrist Bio Meter takes a long time to activate after player death.

- FIX --- There a chance for footsteps to be mute after a dialog.

- FIX --- Door when walked through didn't provide correct footstep sound effect.

- FIX --- Sound effect of footsteps didn't change when spriting or walking.

- FIX --- Major light bleed through some of the buildings.

- FIX --- AI stops moving around the map on load.

- FIX --- Ore Extractor sound didn't trigger if there were too many sounds playing around it.

- FIX --- If a player dies by an AI, that AI won't be able to detect revived player as his corpse is still the target even after body decomposition.

- FIX --- Refraction visual error in Temple below Gemini Base.

- FIX --- Temple Activation mutes itself after 7 seconds of playing if the player stands to close to sound trigger.

- FIX --- Memory leak protection system creates a small hitch.

- FIX --- Usable items won't trigger if clicked very fast.

- FIX --- No visual effect of a silent alarm in Epsilon base.

- FIX --- Pottery is affected by sunlight even in dark places,

- FIX --- One of the tree model types break dematerialization material when constructing over it.

- FIX --- Power Storage ambient sound randomly stops playing when near other objects with their own ambient sounds.

- FIX --- On game load, there was a chance that on weaker PC's game could duplicate some of the post-processing materials providing too strong of an effect.

- FIX --- Metos Bug Swarm sound effect cuts out randomly.

- FIX --- Cave ambient cuts off if player swiftly runs inside than out and back in.

- FIX --- Custom camera effects didn't work on some of the levels.



- Added two new enemies to the game project.

- Added new experimental nav mesh generation system. (the system is still in its early phase but it removes hitches players notice when moving around AI).

- Added two organic spawners to the game.

- Added new consumable.

- Added new craftable blueprint.

- Added improved navigation system to the game, fixing problems detected while reloading maps with an already saved navigation map.

- Added new points of interests in Karenos Sector - 4.

- Added new foliage to the game.

- AI now share data between them selfs when detecting similar nav mesh loaded around them saving on performance.

- Models used by the AI are now affected by the collision of other AI models.

- AI now respect each other collision and mesh space by calculating the average bounding box of the model, preventing them from merging with each other.

- AI won't lose player sighs if moving between trees. (player is still able to lose AI sight if moved swiftly and be able to hide for longer than a couple of seconds).

- AI damage system is now based on collision hit detection rather than collision space (if AI hits the player with a "knife" that knife is damage dealer, not the AI) preventing an unfair situation where the player is hit by an invisible object.

------ Added localized spawners system to the game:

/// Spawner is able to check player localization and damage player did to the group under spawner control. With the data, spawner is able to determine if more "monsters" are needed for balance.
/// Spawner will create "monsters" based on set rules set by the environment, localization, and stat of the monsters.
/// Spawned monsters have randomized statistic based on minimum and maximum of monsters set stats.

------ Added new logical reaction system to AI:

/// Roam system - AI is now able to calculate its own roaming space in randomly generated space based on the AI terrain protection.
/// Aggression system - AI will change its attack based on its own aggression/fear/desperation.
/// Special attack system - AI is now able to use its own special moves, for example, a chance to poison the player if special conditions will be met.
/// Warning system - AI is able to warn the player if he's on territory that AI protects or getting to close to him rising his Aggression stats.
/// Shouts/Calls system - AI is able to call other AI to help against the player. (if specific conditions are meet and/or other friendly AI are nearby)
/// Alpha Selector - AI will now create dominated AI that will change rest of the group statistic, making them more/less aggressive, more prone to use special attacks and so on.
/// Memory system - AI is able to remember key data on player/environment/global settings and then use it to make simple decisions.
/// Simple Assumption - AI is able to use data in its memory to assume possible future changes (for example it is able to predict the location of the player if AI loses sight of the player while chasing)

- Added Hearing sense to the AI.

- Added Damage senses to the AI.

- AI meshes (such as animation skeletal mesh) is now occluded not only by other objects but also distance. (minor performance boost).

- AI will raise its aggression meter based on player interaction (for example, entering AI territories) when aggression reaches 100 % it will attack the player. AI will calm down by itself after time or by other actions created by other AI and/or player.

- AI with aggression meter below 100 % will now showcase his status to the player as a warning signal by visual animation or/and sound.

- AI will reset its memory and simple logical skills after a set amount of time, that amount of time is depended on the enemy intelligence.

- Pener-07 when shooting now creates very laud trigger sound effect, and when reloading a small trigger sound effect.

- Scanner when activated and/or when switching modes creates a trigger sound effect.

- Visual update to Polan Crystal.

- Player movement now creates a trigger sound effect with its power/range/sound volume depending on speed, from lowest to highest, crouching, walking, running, sprinting.

- Jumping and landing create a trigger sound effect.

- Fallowing new models we improve the UI of all computers to fit the screen.

- Adjustments to camera view distance when using computers.

- Added new story elements.

- Visual update to Xavoc Crystals.

- Visual update to Xavoc and Polan Icons for both inventory and MMC reference.

- Instructions on how to gather minerals create objects and use RTS systems were rewritten and adjusted to new content.

- Added images to instructions for easier understanding of in-game systems.

- Added security system to all storage systems, it will prevent any possible crashes if a class none object is detected. (prevention system)

- Added a new system to game project "Lions_Eye".

- All in-game cameras are now controlled by one system Lions_Eye (performance boost)

- All maps used now and future will be always pointing North UP.

- RTS mode "Overseer", Bots, and Player cameras are now synchronized with each other and are affected by single function with all effects. (performance boost)

- Added new screen effect to bots and Overseer mode to showcase that controlled machines are from a computer screen, not direct possession.

- Added new screen effect on player death.

- Added new screen effect that will simulate pain, the effect is as strong as the damage player is receiving from any source.

- Added new screen effect that will stimulate healing, just like pain it is effected by the strength of the effect.

------- Sound Changes to Footsteps:

/// Added 6 new standard footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 5 new grass footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 7 new metal footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 5 new sand footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 4 new wood footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 6 new plastic footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 5 new water footsteps sound effect.
/// Added 6 new ground footsteps sound effect.

- Added sound effect on jump start and jump end (landing) with material texture detection to control sound volume and type.

- Added sound effect to Pener-07 reload.

- Landscape textures now trigger a correct sound effect when walked over.

- Improvement to all Trees collisions.

- Footsteps trigger detection is now able to check instances of all objects in the level and check what surface material it's using with it adjust proper sound effect.

- Trees provide proper sound effect when walked over.

- Footsteps sound effect adjusted to all buildings in the game.

- Minor player character optimizations, all trigger effects are now more stable and calculation checks go through one source control rather than three. (minor performance boost)

- Fallowing storyline improvements we opened some of the structures.

- Randomly generated loot will now be calculated based on the maximum and the minimum of possible content rather than only on maximum.

- Ore Veins are now generated with its content by maximum and minimum amount rather than maximum only.

- Damage done by creatures is now calculated in a range between minimal and maximum damage.

- Containers with randomly generated loot adjusted to the new-generation system.

- Added Asychronized ID generation system to all objects in the game. (small performance boost on spawning objects in the game)

- Added ID allocation emergency system, to prevent spawning any object in the game with empty ID or wrong ID that may negatively affect save the file.

- Improvements to Wrist Bio Meters status calculation. (calculation performance increase by 330%)

- Wrist Bio Meters activation on game start/load speed up by over 1 second.

- Minor visual improvement to construction holographic correct/incorrect placement indicators.

- Space of standard multi-purposes bot container lowered from 10 to 6.

- Minor adjustments to first-person hands animation "show bio-meter".

- Minor visual improvement to all door controls.

- Minor visual improvement to Neurocore station.

- Added new experimental model optimization system (performance boost)

------- Model and all levels of details optimization/recreation to improve performance (lowering global polygon count between 12 % to 48 % depending on location) :

/// All types of grass
/// All types of tress
/// 39 out of 49 types of rockes/boulders
/// All ice cliffs
/// Gemini Base tunnels
/// Gemini Temple
/// Gemini Registration Office
/// All ancient walls
/// All ancient temple elements
/// All ancient pottery
/// Ancient Pylon
/// All cave systems
/// 3 out of 7 bushes
/// Solar Panels
/// Base Walls
/// 7 out of 19 background mountains

- Player speed calculation is now done per trigger instance rather than per tick, now player will change speed depending on player stance (crouch, walk, run, sprint) and if he is moving forward or backward.

- Disable navigation effect on small objects that are too small than have any effect besides small impact on performance.

- Minor visual changes to a crosshair and crosshair now change it's appearance if we trigger any damage from any source or healing.

- Minor optimization to 31 background animations.

- Minor visual update to Pener-07 bullets.

- Minor improvements to material refraction effect (minor performance boost)

- Added minor save/load security to prevent creatures from spawning off bound.

- Adjusted draw distance to 918 objects in Karenos - Sector 4 (minor performance boost)

- The light intensity of day and night cycle are now controlled by the environmental stats rather than pre-set stats.

- World day and night colors, and light intensity are controlled by fog, environment color, atmospheric color, planets, moons, and clouds rather than a static set.

- Flashlight light intensity rose by 150 %.

- The improved landscape of Karenos - Sector 4.

- M.P.B will now change it's engine sound effect depending on the speed of the bot, to simulate engine power.

- Added crouch to M.P.B (bot is not affected by body limitation which means that bot can move at the same max speed as if he wasn't crouching).

- Drastic improvement to traces signal for objects and foliage (minor performance boost)

- Added layered calculation system to Skybox, fog, night/day calls, and sun angle calculation (minor performance boost)

- Script calling is now reduced to only once per game load, in NPC's, Player and bots. (minor performance boost)

- "Lion's Roar" system now triggers ambient/music change in each construction and environment only once per load and saves that function call to prevent any future calls. (minor performance boost)

- Code optimization to Ore Extractors. (reduction on CPU each time extractor digs up and stores found an object).

- Added Asychronize UI update to all widgets affected by storage/containers. (minor performance boost).

- Adjustment to texture size and memory consumption.

- Adjustments to mesh memory consumption, level of details and their spawn.

- Project update to newest engine version. (Unreal Engine 4.23).


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////////////

- FIX --- On death item currently equipt won't despawn leaving unpickable item.

- FIX --- When saved in the RTS system it will duplicate the player on load.


- Recreated Player Bio Meter.

- Player Bio Meter provdies additional information:

/// Player energy status
/// Player health
/// Player oxygen timer
/// Player neuro state
/// Compas system
/// Day/Night visual representation

- MMC Power Status now shows the exact amount of base current and max power.

- MMC Hydrogel Status now shows the exact amount of base current and max hydrogel.

- Picking up an item will now calculate the trajectory of the pickup animation from the position of the player/bot camera to the center of their backpack/storage to ease out picking up items that can be bigger than 50 % of the player/bot height.

- Looking at the screen, at dialog starter and resetting the camera is now 30 % faster and smoother.

- At the end of look at screen animation players mouse, position will now center to make sure he is taking the control of the screen mouse cursor.

- The hunger level is now checked every 4 seconds rather than each second.

- Nutrient Value fell from 3600 to 1000.

- Rebalance all Nutrition based items in the game.

- First Oxygen alert now appears at 30 % rather than 40 %.

- Added low nutrition level warnings at 30 % and 10 %.

- Added voice effect warning to low nutrient.

- Ease out sunrise and sunset to remove light popping.

- Added secondary sunrise and sunset triggers to allow solar panels to work one hour longer.

- Lights will now turn on 1 hour earlier and turn off 1 hour later.

- Shorten the night by 15%

- Added the Bug Report button to the main menu.

- Added new input "Exit Bot".

- Minor adjustments to Bot UI.

- Added Neurocore Icon to the main character UI.

- The player is now able to use the main menu while in the bot and safely save the game.



- Player no longer will hear his own footsteps after death.

- Player backpack won't spawn in the wrong location and rotation.

- T-1 Storage won't spawn containers before it's built.

- Shadow fixes for Tunnel plugs.

- Fix for performance hitch on each load/new game.

- Fix for Base "Overseer" interface providing incorrect data on base oxygen and energy output.

- Tunnel Type I Windowed didn't change light settings for stable performance.

- Tunnel Type I Windowed and T Windowed had visual errors in Overseer presentation interface.

- Solar Panels didn't reactivate their animation when the player reenters their view distance.

- The entire body of Solar Panel is now clickable rather than base only in RTS mode "Overseer"

- You are no longer able to construct building inside other building when hovered on specific trigger box between the arrow and the construction.

- Solar Panels didn't trigger a correct sound effect when walked over.



- Fall damage added to the game.

- Fall damage is calculated by the fall distance, kinetic damage resistance, fall damage resistance, type of possessed character and speed.

- Landing from any distance will now trigger smooth head movement scaled by the distance from which the effect was first activated.

- Added compass to the Map system.

- Small Residence building created from the ground up.

- New window type added to the game.

- New door type added to the game.

- Added personalization system, example: Doors in Small Residence are now correctly labeled with the name of the owner or room classification.

- New furnitures added to the project.

- All personal computers are refreshed with new models.

- Addition of Per Instance Shader Color manipulation.

- All foliage in the game is now controlled by new shader manipulator which will slightly alter the color of every instance of foliage to break the repetition.

- Assets added to Karenos Cave system.

- Visual improvement to the mission display window.

- Player Quickslot settings are transferred between bodies (after death).

- Added camera effect to death system.

- Visual update to death window.

- New chest type added.

- Added Tunnel type L and I short to the game.

- Added new buildable buildings to standard base blueprints.

- 4 new sound effect added to UI.

- Added sound effects to "Overseer" mode, Personal Computers, and C.C.C.

- Power Flow and Oxygen Flow Buttons added to the RTS UI (Overseer)

- Power of each building is now controlled from the Base Sources (Command Center) rather than per building instance (minor performance increase)

- Building Power stats now affect its status, turning from fully on to emergency systems when the power goes below 20% and to completely off when it reaches 0.

- RTS UI (Overseer) is able to showcase the energy and oxygen flow of each building after clicking on it. Calculated numbers show the amount of energy produce - energy consumption - energy needed for the max charge up to max base energy/oxygen transfer.

- T-1 Storage used the wrong icon in the RTS (Overseer) mode.

- Added sound effect when player losses connection between his neurocore and his body.

- Armor presentation window is now created by the game load system rather than per player/bot instance. (prevents duplication of performance heavy cameras)

- Death system is now based on the ragdoll effect of currently possessed character.

- Every door/gate is now saved by the system.

- Doors and Airlocks are now effected by power output.

- Added light and power change effect too Doors and Airlocks.

- Changed position of buildings in support structures list.

- Improved save/load system with additional save able data.

- All activators in the game are now saveable.

- Added security system to ID generation system to make sure there will never be an object with the same ID at the same level.

- On load doors/gate will load every player affected states, such as if its wide open, was it unlocked by using a proper password and so on.

- All visible end result calculations in the game are now shortened to a single digit after the dot. (this change effects "Overseer" mode, Player Character screen, and results provided in message window)

- All calculations are done in "Overseer" are now simplified, rather than presenting 751 912 Power, "Overseer" UI will now show 751.9T.

- Base Power calculation and Oxygen transfer are now done via a single data stream rather than per building consumption data output. (Base power and oxygen calculation speed is now increased by up to 400 %).

- Animation update to solar panels.

- Added new type of glass material for screens in all personal computers, visibility of said screens is dependent on the angle from which player is observing the computer.

- Added max render distance of all objects inside of buildings. (minor performance boost)

- Improvements to angel calculation based on the sun position in the sky. (79% reduction in CPU requirement from Solar Panels)

- Power Storage base power capacity increase lowered to 20 000 from 25 000.

- Power consumption balances made to buildings:

All types of Tunnels from 0.5 to 1
All doors from 0.5 to 1
T-1 Storage from 1 to 3
Command Center from 2 to
Lamps from 1 to 3
Beacon from 0 to 2
Atmo. Airlock from 0.5 to 1
Tirix Fusion Power Plant from 0 to 3
Hydrogel Purificator from 0 to 25

- Power production balances made to buildings:

Tirix Fusion Power Plant from 100 to 200
Command Center from 1:1 sun power to 4:1 sun power
Solar Panels from 1:1 sun power to 2:1 sun power

- Power copacity adjustments made to buildings:

Command Center from 2500 to 10000
Tirix Fusion Power Plant from 100 to 1000
Beacon from 1 to 10
T-1 Storage from 100 to 300
Hydrogel Purificator from 300 to 1000
All types of Tunnels from 10 to 100
Lamp from 4 to 10

- Hydrogel Purificator will now stop Oxygen production when energy levels reach 0, and it will lower its production to 20 if on Emergency power.

- Text in holo signs takes its size and adjusts itself to fix its position relative to the center of the object.

- Base Oxygen and Energy transfer rate increase from 10 to 50.

- Visual adjustments to "Overseer" Interface.

- Base standard energy capacity lowered from 750 000 to 50 000

- Base standard oxygen capacity increased from 2000 to 2500

- Minor grammatical improvements.

- Minor normal map fix for Medicine Repository.

- Added Level of details to all light posts.

- Added security system for randomly-generated loot containers to prevent abuse of the system.

- Added Async calculation system to C.A.T Depository and T-1 Storage to eliminate hitches when approaching objects.

- C.A.T Depository size reduced from 24 to 20.

- Added shadow/light performance update to Atmo. Airlock (minor performance boost)

- Improved level of details to Tunnel T, Command Center, and T-1 Storage.



- Right click on inventory/storage slot won't spawn "Action Menu" with incorrect offset.

- Fixes for performance spikes during storage check.

- Fixes for performance spikes when hovering over the construction menu.

- Fixes for C.A.T performance spike when awaiting and checking for the correct amount of resources to continue construction.

- Player won't be able to remove his equipment from inventory while still equipping it.

- Items won't duplicate when manipulating slots in the storage when C.A.T is using the resources to build.

- Fixes for building placement not detecting more than one "connector" when placing.

- Fixes for items losing their content when dropping from the inventory or moving between storages.

- Fix for Audio giving "popping" sound when triggering more than 6 at a time.



- Introduction of new project compression method.

- T-1 Storage added to the game.

- Added new blueprint to the build option T-1 Storage.

- Storage building visual update to T-1 Storage.

- Command Center C.A.T depository slot lowered to 24.

- UI improvement to player info message panel.

- Improvement to physics calculation to all items based object in the game.

- Audio adjustments to 58 sound effect to prevent "popping".

- Audio adjustments to 41 dialogs to prevent "popping".

- Visual improvement to Landscapes material to give more depth.

- Visual improvement to all rock materials with higher quality normalmaps, roughness, and ambient occlusion.

- Interact system can now detect if "Player" is interacting with the object or "Bot" being possessed by the player. (player won't be able to use player only features while possessing the bot).

- RTS ("Overseer Mode") can now adjust buildings based on the location of its connectors to allow objects such us tunnels be connected to more than one building at the same time.

- Added asynchronous calculation to Overseer resources check. (performance boost while the system is activated)

- C.A.T will now asynchronously check for required resources for building. (performance boost while the system is activated)

- Each building, storage, player and bots calculate required data from containers in a group system rather than per object calculation, drastically increasing its performance.

- Details window in Overseer Mode will now recalculate base rescues each time player will hover on construction button. (each calculation will use build in asynchronous container slot check for performance sake).

- Each equipable item will now lock its inventory slot and adjust its color.

- All items in the game adjust their "Action Menu" depending on its status.

- All items that can be loaded with other objects (for example Pener-07 loaded with TRX Ammo) can now be unloaded in the inventory using Action Menu.

- Each item that haves its own content will print the correct amount and max amount on the slot in the storage.

- Save system will now save items own content. (save system will save all item states no matter if it's in player inventory, on the ground, containers and so on).

- Items with its own content will remember their status if dropped on the ground.

- Building "Status Display" screen size incress by 30 %.

- Placement of each "Status Display" screen adjusted in every building.

- LionsMat system improved to lower game memory cost.

- Visual update to Glass Shader.

- Visual update to UI of "Status Display" screen.

- Visual update of Command Center C.A.T depository.

- Visual update to containers used in T-1 Storage.

- C.A.T depository will now showcase the amount of available space on a screen above the depository.

- Added Blueprint Repository to Command Centers in priperation for the Blueprint management system.

- Update to shadow/light in Command Center (minor performance boost in and around Command Center).

- Update to the recalculation of each frame of Ambient Occlusion (performance boost)

- Update to the way translucency effects light and vice versa (performance boost)

- A slight increase in camera smoothness in Player Character only.

- Visual update to Inventory and Storage UI ("None" type slots added).

- All UI properly checks for mouse position on the screen to properly spawn additional UI when called.

- Minor background calculation tweaks to Ore Extractor (small performance boost)

- Container, when locked, will now print their name and status (locked/disabled/damage), rather than just it's status.

- Level adjustment to new content and systems.

- Stimpak will now heal player between 5 to 10 health points rather than flat 7.

- Metal Ore, Noble Metal Ore, and Heavy Metal Ore max stack lowered to 50 from 100.

- Liquid Construction Component max stack lowered to 5 from 10.

- Refined Xavoc and Polon Crystal max stack lowered to 10 from 20.

- Solid Construction Component max stack lowered to 10 from 30.

- TRX Ammo Pack max stack lowered from 100 to 50 (equivalent to two fully loaded Pener-07).

- Stimpak max stack lowered to 10 from 20.




- C.A.T won't speed up above its maximum allowed speed.

- Unconstructed buildings will be added to the build request list after loading the game.

- C.A.T animations will properly play when dematerializing buildings.

- Gate at cave entrance will now register player use key.

- Tunnel I Windowed, Tunnel T, Tunnel T Windowed, Tunnel I, and Hydrogel Purificator won't affect items physics.

- Oxygen Tanks didn't trigger physics activation on the drop.

- Dialog Cues won't be ignored if we activate them with a possessed bot.



- Added in-house 3d navigation system "Lion's Path" v 1.0.

- Overseer Screen (RTS mode) have an additional button "Log".

- Overseer Screen will now showcase a base message board used by C.A.T.

- Overseer Screen "Leave" button is moved to the right to give space for the message board.

- C.A.T now uses "Lion's Path" system to set path to the requested building.

- C.A.T will now smoothly rotate towards the correct building when flying to it.

- C.A.T now understands its maximum speed, max rotation speed and corresponding systems allowing it to smoothly change its location.

- C.A.T provides information about its status by sound and Text as a form of in base communication (audio can be heard by everyone in the base, text only in the Overseer system).

- C.A.T will now print proper log information to Overseer Screen (RTS mode) adjusted by reason, affected building/object, and base status.

- C.A.T will now use a new sound effect to inform about an error.

- Two new sounds added to C.A.T behavior.

- C.A.T is calculating position and requests of every building in the base by itself rather than requesting information per instance from the base dome. (minor performance boost)

- C.A.T AI will now decide by itself the proper procedure of every action depending on location in the base, amount of resources, amount of energy, and priority of action/request.

- C.A.T materialization ray now produces 2000 radiation and heat damage in the affected area, which will disintegrate all organic matter.

- Added safety Holoposters to Command Center to inform the player about the Materialization Ray.

- RTS system is merged with the base system to save performance when checking data for construction purposes.

- C.A.T added new dematerialization systems for buildings that will match materialization.

- Redesign of the M.M.C user interface to keep all interactive parts of the interface in the close proximity of each other, while providing more space for important parts of the UI.

- M.M.C storage lowered from 30 to 12.

- 29 Material optimization (minor reduction in ram uses)

- Shadows and lights visual update and minor performance boost.

- Minor adjustments to C.C.C bot and building presentation.

- Added sound effect for storage and inventory when moving items between slots.

- Added sound effect for Storage "Take All" button.

- Small update to Karenos Landscape. (Additional foliage, minor fixes to terrain, and new normal maps to grass and sand)

- Wall Gates now use the same operating system as every other door in the game.

- Foots steps sound (Metal) volume increase by 80 %.

- Visual update to Polan Crystal.

- Visual update to Oxygen Station.

- New Dialog triggers added to Karenos.

- Missions activators, and event triggers set in preparation for the next patch.

- Optimization of 33 materials (lowers Memory requirement, and stables its workflow when fully loaded).

- Minor Text corrections.




- Command Center didn't calculate it's energy correctly.

- Player won't be able to select and swap empty slots in the inventory and storage.

- Inventory slots properly reset their function if we closed inventory/storage with slot selected.

- The object won't fall through the landscape in a larger cluster of objects

- Doors Open/Close sound won't stop playing if sound effect settings ever are set to 0.

- Fix for doors open event triggering animation after few seconds of delay, rather than instantly.

- Fix of 53 background calls to nonexisting objects.

- Karenos outdoors Ambient won't restart if anything makes any sound louder than the ambient.

- Buildings ambients won't stop playing if too many sounds play at once.

- Opening door sound effect won't take priority to mute interface activation sound effect.



- Quick Reference Bar added to the game (similar to hotkey bar, reference bar will not directly contain items but will allow a swift check and use of an item from the inventory or inform the player that the item is no longer in his possession)

- 5 Quickslot controls added to the controls tab.

- Save/Load system will now save quick reference bars and load them to correct characters within the game.

- Every character able to be possessed has their own Quick Reference bars with the correct size depending on character equipment and in the future skills (At the time maximum of 5 slots).

- Optimization of all outer armor textures (buildings). (lowers memory requirement)

- Optimization of all normal maps mega atlases. (lowers memory requirement)

- New Component type item added to the project (Basic Electronic Repository)

- Basic Electronic Repository blueprint added to the MMC.

- Scanner blueprint rebalancing.

- Improved Save/Load System to allow Saving and Loading Underground Ore Deposits.

- Underground Ore Deposits content and discovery marks are now saved and their data transmitted directly to RTS system (Overseer System) on load.

- Minor visual improvement of all crystalline liquid panels (all type of solar panels).

- All Item based objects (stimpak, nutrino bar, ore and so on) can now detect the player location and based on it change their own detail settings, visibility, shadows quality, and physics to increase overall performance.

- Item-based objects have a much more sensitive collision detection which should prevent object clipping, falling through the landscape and flickering when objects are hitting each other at larger speed.

- A small adjustment to notification messages only high priority notification such as tutorial messages will have a sound notification.

- Improved visual effects of holo sing.

- Refresh of all door animations in the game with the use of the new float base animation system.

- Doors sound effect is now spawned in the correct location within the door and destroyed after the correct event.

- Construction bot call sound effect lowered to reduce audio clipping.

- Doors locked / incorrect password / open sound effect lowered to reduce audio clipping.

- Holographic Character presentation takes over 95 % less Memory to properly showcase all post-processing effects.

- Pener-07 Ammo Screen scaled up to fit the weapons screen.

- Ore Extractor dig sound effect lowered by 20 % and sound range increase by 30 %.

- Added direction sings to Epsilon Base.

- Added Level of details to Karenos Landscape (minor performance boost)

- Light improvement in the Gemini Base (minor level performance improvement)

- Additional security added for all buildings to make sure that correct "plug" is loaded after starting the game from older saves.




- Hydrogel Purificator is not presented correctly while building by C.A.T.

- Default Unreal Icon was set in place of Penkura.icon in task manager and toolbar.

- Unreal Icon appears on the Game Window with an incorrect name.

- Penkura is shown as UE4Game in the Windows Task Manager.

- RTS Arrow Connectors spawn inside buildings and already used connectors.

- Stimpaks hover in the air if dropped from the backpack.

- Load system won't remove Editor placed buildings from the game.

- Save system won't add editor created content to new versions of the game if loaded from the older game version.

- Missions log didn't save entire missions description on mission update, showcasing only the current point of the objective rather than all of them.

- Tirix Fusion Power Plant provides energy even when it's turn off.

- Tirix Fusion Power Plant emergency shut down didn't reset its animation.

- Tirix Fusion Power Plant ambient sound plays even after being shut down.



- 59 animations of doors, tramps, player, buildings, etc. are adjusted for project transfer to new engine version.

- Clean up of 31 background calculation scripts (increase in performance by an average of 6%)

- Elimination of 132 empty ticks working in the background (minor performance boost)

- Project engine update to a newer version.

- Each screen showcasing building status is now refreshed only when the player is in the observation distance, rather than each frame. (small performance boost)

- MMC screen will refresh its information when the player is directly interacting with the machine or machine is in the process of item creation, rather than each frame (small performance boost)

- CCC screen will refresh only when a player is directly effecting RTS, BOT or Command Center status, rather than each frame. (small performance boost)

- All construction in the game calculates their Z position by the Z position of nearest "Command Center" rather than per construction. (lowers preload calculation)

- Small static object connected to each construction is now merge with the main building layer lowering objects to load. (small performance boost).

- Ore Extractor sound lowered by 20% and increase its range by 10%.

- Beacon sound lowered by 10%.

- Minor graphical improvement to Hydrogel Purificator.

- Save/Load system updated to remove buildings placed by developers if the player removes them by destroying them or dematerializing them.

- RTS Arrow Connector System is written from the ground up with the use of a new tracing system.

- RTS system will now provide energy and oxygen to all buildings in an asynchronous manner which reduces hitches on massive player basses.

- RTS building snap system now calculates its position based on the building entrance/exit rather than building offset. (fix for small offset errors while placing buildings).

- Significantly reduce RTS system calls and triggers when the game starts by an average of 70% (reducing the chance for any error and speeding upload).

- RTS Arrow Connectors are now created based on RTS requirements rather than buildings. (reducing the number of unneeded objects in the game)

- Buildings support legs calculate their position and offset based on the entire base position relative to their Z offset from the terrain before they are spawned in the game by the RTS system. (fix for performance hitch while placing a building).

- Added object clustering system, merging distance object into a single mesh. (boost to a performance by up to 8% depending on the number of objects on the screen)

- On load landscape, the foliage will now automatically disappear in and around buildings rather than slowly disintegrate as if the building was just placed by the player.

- Atmo. Airlocks spawned by buildings (not directly by the players) will also disintegrate landscape foliage.

- Lowers the amount of "game start" calculations made by each base from 52 to 9 dramatically lowering its CPU usage in the first few ms. (speeds up the game load and removes hitch at the start of the game from the base site)

- Buildings and bots will now have pre-set base affiliation rather than on game start c.

- Minor improvement to save/load system background calculation. (game load speed increase by around 10 %)

- Computer controls for Doors and holographic pointers are now calculated per player effect, not in the game per tick manner. (small performance boost)

- Added levels of details to:

| Gemini Main Temple


| Gemini Secondary Temple


| Gemini Cave System


| 7 sections of tramp tunnel


| All Gemini boxes, barrels and other containers


| Gemini Generators


| Gemini Underground base objects


| Gemini main base


| Gemini Lamps


| Gemini Tramp


| Gemini Tunnels and Registration Office


| Gemini furnitures


| Gemini NPCs


| Gemini Tramp elevator


| Hydrogel Purificator

- Minor improvements to Gemini Lights.

- Minor improvements to Gemini Occlusion system.

- Improvements to Atmo. Airlock Level of details (lights won't disappear at a short range)

- Save files are now tagged by the game randomly generated seed in preparation for any randomly generated systems in the future. (old save files before the change will adjust themselves automatically to new game version)

- Asynchronous load system will now load objects between 30 to 50 % faster. (depending on the save size)

- Save and Load system will now recognize editor (non-player) placed objects, systems, scripts, animations, and sound.

- Save system is now able to save and load scripts created by other scripts for gameplay purposes (for example randomly generated items in randomly generated storages with randomly generated effects)

- Improvements to Save/Load version conversion system (old saves will now much more smoothly adjust them selfs to a new updated version of the game, lowering need for new save files only to critical patch changes)

- Project clean up (reduction in game size)

- Audio volume adjustments for minor sound effects.

- Added "Lock" function to containers (at the moment nonplayer controlled). If the container is locked, a message will appear on player text board and sound effect will be triggered.

- Added randomly generated loot system to containers, and building containers.

- Added "player interaction" check for all storages, containers, backpacks, and machines that use storage system to prevent the game from recalculating their content after every load/save/new game.

- Dark Matter Cola texture improvemenet.

- Mission log is now able to update already updated part of the mission if the criteria of the missions changes, by the player or the background system.

- Mission log will now update entire descriptions and all pointers in the background if the player closed mission log with the mission already selected.

- Mission log will now print description and pointers only when player directly selects the mission (prevents minor hitches on mission update)

- Mission log doesn't have to be manually refreshed if the mission is updated while players are already interacting with the log.

- Save/Load system will now properly load and save all missions in the missions log and will adjust properly to all changes made to the saved missions.

- Added crash security in Save/Load system, if the system tries to load or save nonexisting part of the game (or corrupt) it will skip that section of the file and keep saving or loading to prevent the game from crashing within the compressed file.

- Added additional Storyline elements.

- Glass and metal materials now calculate reflection per object instance preventing any outside lights from effecting any transparency/reflection effects.

- Improvement to shadow calculation on higher shadow settings (minor performance increase)

- Save system is now able to ignore already saved data if changes are made by the developer to the core game elements, allowing to add nonexisting content to the save file when such content was never stored in the project at the time of the creation of that save file.




- Spawners didn't spawn Tier - 1 beings on the map because of the map size and inability to properly calculate world terrain. C.F.S (Crash Freez Shield) system disabled mobs to prevent background looping.

- Tirix Fusion Power Plant manual reset station didn't print correct information when hovered on buttons and lever.



- Added the first version of self-adjusting AI to the project.

- Changed AI calculation system from self-depending calculating system to a hive mind system dramatically improving performance on open world locations (One mind to rule them all).

- AI will now detect other near AI and "borrow" their terrain calculation to safe CPU when calculating movement routs.

- AI will now map area around itself depending on the player location rather than the entire map.

- AI will spawn and despawn itself to improve performance depending on player position around the map and locations of closes spawn points.

- AI will interact with the player and lose interested if certain conditions are met.

- AI will adjust self-health and self-resistance depending on possessed being.

- Player, Bot, and AI are on different trigger layers to make sure triggers activate only when needed.

- Improvements to foliage render should prevent sudden popping of different level of details, unnatural specular (when no light source is located nearby) and re-rendering the same foliage twice (small performance boost).

- New highlight and object classification system. Object registration is now over 400 % faster. (small performance boost).

- Adjustments to highlight image effect.

- Added Ambient sound to Power Storage when activated.

- Changes to building classification. Building are now classified as (Main Structures),(Support Structures),(Defense Structures) and, (Misc).

- Buildings in the RTS system are now displayed under new classification.




- Hydrogel Purificator and Tirix Fusion Power Plant have visual errors in 3d holographic presentation.

- Text window blinks if multi messages are given at once.



- Ambient Occlusion added to the camera rendering process.

- Ambient Occlusion Checkbox added to Main Menu.

- New foliage type added.

- Biometer Ring now provides critical status by voice.

- Added Low Oxygen level, Critical Vitals and Below 40 % Oxygen audio cues.

-Biometer Ring now checks player status more precise.

- Changes to player Vital (possitive or negative) are now printet on text window.

- Points of interest discovered by the bot will now be saved to the player map.

- Small improvemenets to foliage placement system (should be less empty spaces randomly found in the forest).

- Update to Trees level of details (small performance boost).

- Update to rock formation level of details and shadow render (small performance boost).

- Complete model change of all mountains.

- New Item added to the game (Neuclir the Antitoxin shot)

- New blueprint for crafting added to the game.

- Save system now saves buildings energy and oxygen status.

- New save system added to Penkura, should reduce load time and lower the chance for error while loading.
(old save files will adjust to the new save system automaticly).

- Improved occlusion to all Ancient structures (small performance boost).

- Added new level of details to Hydrogel Tank Structure and improved occlusion (small performance boost).

- Added level of details to Power Storage, Lamp, Ore Extractor, Tunnel Type (I, I Windowed, T, T Windowed, X) Solar Panels, and Beacon structures (small performance boost).

- MMC and CCC are now occluded with the new system (small performance boost).




- Location text, time text, and Status text (appearing in key events) slow down the game till it disappears.

- On rare occasion, an incoming message window didn't disappear after the end of the call.

- 3D map can't be interacted with if we interacted with any 3d user interface such as MMC or CCC.



- Map system will now show each discovered point of interests.

- Markers in the map system will now display their name when hovered over.

- Map system will now show each OWNED bots/drones.

- Added legend to map.

- Update to object highlight system (improved system should showcase object name much more clearly and display an icon showcasing what effect will be done to the object)

- Improvements to camera render and antialiasing (objects, particle effects, and light effects should be much sharper putting fewer strains on the eyes)

- Player and points of interest markers now show their correct name when hovered over.

- Points of interest adjust marker icon depending on type.

- Points of interests text and animation adjusted to the new optimize system.

- Save system will now check if any points of interest were discovered and save properly.

- Added animation and graphical improvement to call message.

- Added sound informing the player of an incoming message.

- Player request changes to tutorial message font. (bigger and easier to read font)

- Added animation to the tutorial message window.

- Dialog system NPC text will now estimate the speed of the voiceover and implement speed according (for performance sake this effect have a small power in the background calculation which may lead to text becoming sligthly faster or slower)




- Footsteps volume slider didn't update the footsteps sound effect.

- Asphyxiation didn't take any health points.



- Added P.D.R system (Point Direct React)

- Improvement to Camera Shaders (minor graphical and performance boost)

- Added one footstep sound effect to every footstep variation to increase sound randomness.

- Added Voiceover volume slider in the main menu.

- Improvement to sound blending. (Ambient sound should not get silent if too many other sounds are present at the same location/time)

- Minor adjustment to the player marker on the map to make it more visible.

- Minor graphical improvement to "Object Name Interface" on hover. (Object names should be more readable)




- Map can be used when storage UI is active.

- Map can be used when in Main Menu.

- Weapon can be holster/reloaded when in storage.

- Weapon can be discharged while in Main Menu.

- Items that can switch their function can be activated while in storage, main menu.



- Improvement to RTS building spawning system. (building should from now on always spawn with correct collision and in-side player detection system).

- Each building will now calculate player position based on the player local position of that current building rather than overall player position in the base. (fixes for ambient sound, oxygen transfer and light/shadow activation)

- New Buildable building added to the game (Power Storage).

- New blueprint added to the RTS system.

- Minor graphical improvement to CCC.

- Collision improvement to Trees roots.




- Door button won't activate in the storage room (in introduction level)

- Main Menu screen stays on the screen after load.

- Frame drop at the end of the crew quarters corridor.

- On rare occasions, the cursor didn't react on 3d interfaces if the game was launched in windowed mode (detected on Windows 7, not seen in any other OS)

- RTS UI stayed on screen if the player loads the game while being in the RTS mode.

- Tunnels I, X and T build hologram was placed inaccurately when hovered over "Bounding Arrow"

- Atmo. Airlock build hologram was placed inaccurately when hovered over "Bounding Arrow"

- Some of the sounds are not affected by the audio settings.

- Buildings on rare occasions didn't spawn plugs or stairs.



- Map System added to the project.

- The cursor on 3D User Interface isn't any longer System Base but rendered directly in the game.

- 3D UI based cursors will now stay on the screen where it was last left by the player.

- Every 3D UI is now on separate trace layer. (Player Input should never be ignored by any other collision or trigger)

- Interaction modification to all 3D based interfaces (MMC, CCC, Computers, Map)

- CCC stops and resumes stats calculation depending on if the player or bot is close enough to actually see needed information. (minor performance boost).

- CCC Bot preview graphical improvement.

- RTS Building and bot preview graphical improvement.

- Buildings plug system is rewritten from the ground up. (should prevent the system from not spawning correct plugs when no other building is connected)

- Render adjustments to object (building and bot) preview system (minor performance boost when previewing objects in RTS, CCC, Character View)

- Player Icon added to the map system.

- Map System is set dynamically by beacons set by player and ones already place in the game.

- Player Icon is dynamically set on the map based on Beacons location X and Y.

- The map can be zoomed out (if the tablet detects that the map is bigger than the screen printed on) and zoomed in.

- Visual update to skybox.

- Karenos level clean up (slight performance boost).

- Introduction level clean up (slight performance boost).

- New points of interests added.

- Tunnel I Windowed, and Tunnel T Windowed added as buildable objects.

- Two new buildable blueprints added.

- Terrain collision improvement (Player now will be able to more easily enter and leave caves)

- Adjustments to game "on move blur" and to "distance blur effect" (for players that reported motion sickness)

- Continue button now appears only on the main menu level.

- Visual update to Atmo. Airlock build hologram.




- Trees spawn in the rocks.

- Tunnels Type X and T didn't blend lights correctly.

- Buildings didn't optimize lights and shadows if a player takes control of a bot.

- Tunnels Type T and I Windowed didn't provide oxygen.

- After taking over a bot, highlighted object name flickers on the screen.



- Implementation of "LionsRoar" audio control system.

- Buildings can now effect Ambient and Music.

- Locations such as Caves can now effect Ambient and Music.

- Playable Levels will now affect Ambient and Music based on time of the day.

- Added Music for Cave Systems.

- Added Day/Night Music to Karenos.

- RTS mode activates "LionsRoar" to set proper music / ambient.

- Taking over any bot or returning to a player, activates "LionsRoar" and checks their environment to set proper ambient/music.

- Volume adjustments to large gates.

- Graphical update to atmospheric colors and density.

- Minor Graphical improvement to Ore Extractor.

- Update to foliage render range.

- Over 70 changes to background calculations and garbage collection (should significantly reduce the number of hitches in the game).

- Improved Foliage Spawn system (tree won't spawn inside of rocks, boulders or mountains).

- Light and shadow adjustments for better performance and small graphical improvement to clear out minor shadow errors.




- New Game function didn't load levels properly if there are any Save already in the game.

- Buildings duplicate their furniture when Loaded from a save slot.

- (On rare occasion) RTS System can't find proper storage if the game is loaded from save slot.

- (On rare occasion) Items disappear from main storage if the game is loaded from save slot.




- Test fix for player passing through the tramp wall when standing still.

- Falling through the elevator floor on weaker machines.

- Can't jump after exiting the tramp in the introduction level.

- Sun slightly shakes when moving on weaker machines.



- Tramps, elevators, doors, beacons, ore extractors animations are changed from physics-based to location set base. (Test fix for players passing through the walls of fast moving objects when standing still).

- Object optimization in the introduction level (minor performance boost).

- Another set of improvements to the save system (saves should be more stable and on load, functions should be slightly faster on weaker machines).

- Collision update to all caves.

- Minor changes to how the position of the Sun is calculated.




- Medbay didn't provide oxygen to the player if spawned in the corners of the room.

- Power plant didn't spawn correctly object after creation.

- Power plant didn't dematerialize itself properly leaving some of the items floating in the air.



- RTS system now understands that some buildings should not be destroyed.

- UI improvements to RTS system (on building select)

- Penner-07 now fires a projectile that calculates their own damage, speed, range and penetration power based on the triggering function effect.
(Bullet knows what they are based on what shoot them out, fixing all issues with damage, range, speed, and armor effects)

- Bot calculates its state on each change rather than on each call (fix for bot not having an effect when shooting at)

- New content added to the "Ancients"

- Audio Balance to footsteps.

- Graphical Improvements to Medbay

- Graphical Improvements to Lazarus Bed

- Added Animation, Sound Effect and Light Effect on Open/Close Lazarus Bed

- Graphical Improvements to Rejuvenator Bed

- Improvements to object camera rendering relation (minor performance improvement)

- Every shadow from lights in every build-able building was programmed to change its quality base on distance from the player (performance boost)

- Lights from every door were unable to check for player location after the first trigger, resulting in them always casting shadows. (minor performance boost)

- Building - Hydrogel Facility (Hydrogel Purificator)

- New Building Blueprint Added (Hydrogel Purificator)

- Minor Improvements to RTS UI. (Long names go beyond text box)




- Camera sometimes spins when interacting with focusable objects.

- Player didn't showcase proper name at the start of a new game.

- When Mission title appears on the screen user interface is unclickable till it disappears.

- Mission Update interface blocks access to other user interfaces till it disappears.

- On Load MMC and CCC may not trigger on interact.



- New foliage added.

- New content added to "the natives".

- New Consumable item added.

- Two new materials items added.

- Two new components items added.

- Two new MMC blueprints added.

- Ore and Mineral veins adjusted to new content.

- MMC and CCC blueprints adjusted to new content.

- Added security system to save / load system, if spawn error accrues (spawning player below ground or in center of map) it will spawn player in the default position and set up entire game session around it.

- Save / Load system now checks the trigger of every interactive item. (CCC and MMC included)

- Improvements to global terrain material.

- Visual improvement to Karenos landscape and foliage.

- Added more visible connection between the cave system and Epsilon Base.

- Improvements to focus system fixing problems with camera rotation.

- Minor graphical improvements to MMC user interface.

- Some items didn't print correct interaction name when used.




- Dialog with Neurocore didn't print answers after one of NPC dialog trigger.

- Level of details fixes to static objects from patch 0.1.1.

- Objects dropped in Medbay didn't spawn with physics on.



- Collision improvements to new content from patch 0.1.1.

- Collision improvements to all trees.

- Light/Shadow now affect materials with translucency without creating overlaps (minor performance increase in rooms with windows)

- Adjustments to fog density, color, and view range distance.

- Solar Panels now adjust their angel to the sun location rather than fixed by time location.

- Improvements to minimize performance hitches when ambient light changes from Day type to Night type.




- MMC "Create one" button can be triggered while MMC is at work which will consume items but won't provide any items.

- MMC "Create All" button could randomly trigger the creation of an empty slot, breaking crafting list.

- Scanning sound in MPS is permanently silent after a successful scan.

- Cave Ambient and Temple Ambient sound won't rise if Ambient sound in Main Menu was once set to 0.

- Bluefloir and Subincar didn't show description after the scan.

- Gracheri was unpickable.

- Main Menu controls duplicated when loading the game.

- Some tutorials could be triggered twice.

- "Into the Void" Quest update 2 triggers twice.

- Dr. Januszkiewicz computer triggers quest update each time player retriggers computer.

- Reload Animation didn't trigger when reloading your weapon.

- Hydrogel Purificator could provide more oxygen than the player is able to contain.

- Mouse Sensitivity Slider didn't affect mouse settings.

- Buildings Holographic presentation didn't stick to the Terrain if it does not contain and adjustable legs.

- Buildings without adjustable legs didn't spawn on the correct height when building on an uneven surface.

- Buildings with only one connector were not detected by the system to be bound with other connectors on hover.

- Building Tunnel Type X didn't reset his connectors on the switch.

- Powerplant didn't hide its connectors after leaving RTS system.

- Messages from NPC were not saved properly.



- Added new playable area.

- Cave system on the second level is now open to both playable areas.

- New Dialogs added.

- New points of interest added.

- Hydrogel Purificator now checks player current oxygen and calculates the amount needed to fill player oxygen tank up to max 100 Units of oxygen at a time.
(Hydrogel Purificator won't waste unneeded oxygen).

- Visual Update to Keypad Input IU.

- The player from now on will holster his weapon/tool whenever dialog is starting.

- Improvements to communications between buildings, bots, player and stats system. (fixes issues with MMC, CCC sometimes refusing to activate)

- Visual Update to Gracheri.

- Med-bay graphical update.

- Bioms will now adjust global fog depending on player location and time of day.

- Minor adjustments for camera sharpness and additional view effects.

- Unbuild buildings will now show their connectors to allow base planning.

- Character View now has a real-time view of the controlled being, machine.

- Oxygen and Energy are now calculated by the new formula (minor performance increase, fixes issue with stats not displaying properly)

- MMC system is written from the ground up to provide more stability. (MMC won't freeze if the player is far away from the base)

- Added new functions to add 1, 5 and 10 units of an item in MMC.

- Added a new function to remove 1, 5 and 10 units of an item in MMC.

- Items in the "to create list" located in MMC can now be swapped with each other.

- Create One button now creates one unit of an item from the list or if the list is empty a selected item from the blueprint list.

- Minor improvements to MMC User Interface.

- Beacon added to buildable buildings.

- Day/Night Cycle system code clean up, Sun angle and Moonlight intensity calculation improvements (slight performance increase)

- MPS Geological scan is now able to distinguish between ore veins and show the distance to the closest.

- MPS Geological scan will now show how many ore veins it's detecting rather than only showing which one is the closest.

- Minor visual improvemenets to MPS UI and Main Menu.

- The objects are now directly attached to the player which allows them to be affected by animation (flashlight slightly lags behind by being adjusted by player torso)

- Background Quest system-related errors fixed. (Quest will now trigger without game "hitches")

- Project Cleanup. (minor change in-game size)




- The player cannot jump or crouch while Dialog with NPC is activated.

- Show FPS, V-Sync didn't update Main Menu icons, after reset.

- Split slider in Inventory didn't update.



- Unnecessary Cameras removed from the game, a minor increase in performance.

- Escape won't open the main menu from Inventory/Log/Character View screen but just close inventory screen.

- Leave Button removed from Storage window. Escape Input is now used to leave Storage.

- Leave Button removed from MMC (Crafting Screen) Escape Input is now used to leave MMC.

- Leave Button removed from all computers screen. Escape Input is now used to leave their screen.

- Leave Button removed from CCC. Escape Input is now used to leave their screen.

- Camera placement adjusted for CCC, MMC and all interactive computers.

- CCC, MMC and all computers will now remember player Field of View when used.

- The bot can now use Escape Input to close Storage/Inventory/Log/Character View window.

- If a player has access, buildings windows can now be open.

- Text log will now inform player if his inventory is full while trying to pick up an item.

- Visual adjustments to Loading system.

- Empty Inventory slot now requires only one click to have an effect rather than two.

- RTS system will now support Edge Scrolling.

- RTS Camera center point is now visible to help with camera orientation.

- Added Player Camera X and Y Invert Options to the Main Menu Controls.

- Added RTS Camera Y and Y Invert Options to the Main Menu Controls.

- Highlight and Interact function share same system, (Interact button will now always trigger)

- Calculation optimization for Nutrition, Energy, Health, Shield, Integrity (minor performance boost)

- Join Discord message added to the Game Menu.




- The player cannot jump or crouch while Dialog with NPC is activated.

- Show FPS, V-Sync didn't update Main Menu icons, after reset.

- Split slider in Inventory didn't update.



- Unnecessary Cameras removed from the game, a minor increase in performance.

- Escape won't open the main menu from Inventory/Log/Character View screen but just close inventory screen.

- Leave Button removed from Storage window. Escape Input is now used to leave Storage.

- Leave Button removed from MMC (Crafting Screen) Escape Input is now used to leave MMC.

- Leave Button removed from all computers screen. Escape Input is now used to leave their screen.

- Leave Button removed from CCC. Escape Input is now used to leave their screen.

- Camera placement adjusted for CCC, MMC and all interactive computers.

- CCC, MMC and all computers will now remember player Field of View when used.

- The bot can now use Escape Input to close Storage/Inventory/Log/Character View window.

- If a player has access, buildings windows can now be open.

- Text log will now inform player if his inventory is full while trying to pick up an item.

- Visual adjustments to Loading system.

- Empty Inventory slot now requires only one click to have an effect rather than two.

- RTS system will now support Edge Scrolling.

- RTS Camera center point is now visible to help with camera orientation.

- Added Player Camera X and Y Invert Options to the Main Menu Controls.

- Added RTS Camera Y and Y Invert Options to the Main Menu Controls.

- Highlight and Interact function share same system, (Interact button will now always trigger)

- Calculation optimization for Nutrition, Energy, Health, Shield, Integrity (minor performance boost)

- Join Discord message added to the Game Menu.




- Drop, destroy and split function will now work with the new Inventory system.

- Elevator in first level dissapesr after load.

- Tram in the first level disappears after load.

- Dialog audio duplicates if the same dialog is triggered the second time.



- Dialog system will now effect player camera to make him face the interacted object/person.

- Dialog function will reset camera view at the end of the conversation.

- Save / Load system will now properly save every dialog in the game and trigger correct state.

- Dialog system can now be affected by Player, World, Inventory, and Mission status.

- Inventory slots refresh before any interaction (Increase in Inventory stability)

- Save / Load system will now properly load dropped items with their correct amount.

- Small improvements to resolution settings in the main menu.

- Neurocore is now a self-aware activator (it will detect on its own if there is any interaction between itself and the player)

- Neurocore will now save and load its interaction with the player.

- Interact function is now more responsive.

- Tram light / shadow optimalization.

- Gemini Base small light/shadow optimization.

- Take control of bot function will no longer freeze the game for first few frames.

- Start RTS system function will no longer freeze the game for first few frames.




- Left mouse button didn't register with tools and weapons.



- Visual updates to Tunnels type I, T, X, T Windowed, I Windowed, I Short.

- Improvements to Lions Material System. (small performance boost)

- Level of details added to Tunnels type I, T, T Windowed, I Short.

- Updated Light and Shadow in Tunnels type I, T, X, I Windowed.

- Improved collision in Tunnels type T, X, I Windowed, I Short.

- Improved oxygen transfer between player and all buildings.

- Improved lighting in the first level.

- Optimization to all Glass Materials.

- Optimization to all high Metalic Materials.

- System improvements for Health, Oxygen, Energy, Integrity and Nutrition.
(statistics won't freeze when they are affected by outside sources)




- MMC Create One button creates always one even if the created item should be a set amount.

- Storage type object didn't show their name and function below the crosshair.

- Items of the same type could be duplicated if both are not at their max stack.

- Sprint didn't increase player speed.

- Bots receive head-bobbing effect.

- CCC screen duplicates 3d bot presentation.



- Items max stack size balance.

- Small memory leak fixed in highlight system.

- Optimization in camera render. Performance boost between 5 % to 40 % depending on location and in-game time.

- Foliage cluster rendering improvement (small additional performance boost)

- Small changes to Inventory / Storage and MMC UI to improve sharpness, on low settings.

- Level of details optimization to foliage.

- Lamps light intensity and range is risen by 30 %.

- Set frame rate function added to the main menu.

- Game FPS is no longer set to 62 FPS only.

- Sprint will increase oxygen usage by 300 %. (only while sprinting)

- MPB speed increase by 20 %.

- MPB can now increase its speed using the "Sprint" input, by 80 %.




- Item Action Menu allows dropping items inside of furniture (spawning them inside out of reach of player).

- Use button closes Item Action Menu.

- Use button is still visible after the last item was used.

- The split function cannot be used in the furniture.

- Destroy function cannot be used inside the furniture and bots.

- Items slots are frozen if you use the same slot twice.



- Remove build in Drag and Drop function (bugged on the standalone game).

- Added new inventory system.

- Middle mouse button now moves items between player inventory and storage.

- Inventory Action menu adjustments itself depending on which storage type we open.

- Split added to the Furniture.

- Destroy added to the Furniture.

- Items can be merged inside the furniture.

- Hold the mouse button to drag is removed, the player is required to press left mouse button which will highlight the item, then double-click on any slot in the inventory to move an item or swap with another item.

- Left mouse button will now highlight items we are interacting with (in the inventory)

- Fixes to memory leaks in the Inventory system. (slight boost in performance)

- Changelog now showcases patch changes from newest to oldest.




- The drop system was not visible if the drop button was press from Action Menu.

- Destroy system was not visible if the destroy button was press from Action Menu.




- Door Controls didn't print any information on the screen when highlighted.

- Tutorial text log scrollbar didn't register mouse press.

- If MMC storage becomes full while creating an item, it will reset without providing an item to the player.

- MMC stops checking status if power runs out.

- MMC spawns object before it finishes creating it.

- MMC progress bar won't reset after creating the last item.

- MMC didn't remove the item from the build list if Create One button was pressed.

- MMC duplicates invisible build slots if create all button is clicked.

- Some of the sounds didn't reset their audio settings if there were set to 0.



- Flashlight intensity rose by 50 %.

- Small and Medium size door buttons have 3 times bigger activation detection.

- Save slots will now remember on what game version they were saved.

- Save slots now show game version they were saved on after the time.

- MMC Error console was changed to Status Console.

- MMC is now able to show the status of its energy, storage, and resources.




- Neurocore losses its collision.

- Fixed typos in First Level Dialogs.

- Items additional options menu stays on screen if the main menu is open while in inventory/storage.

- Split/Drop Interface stays on screen if the main menu is open while in inventory/storage.

- Bots storage didn't show correct name on the interface.

- Bots storage didn't show correct information when hovering over or interacted with.

- Sometimes Interaction button is required to be pressed twice to have an effect.

- Create all button in the Molecular Matter Converter freezes the machine if there are no items in the M.M.C Storage.

- Cancel Construction Button didn't trigger.

- Items disappear in the inventory if the player attempts to merge an item with an item that makes full stack item. ( A + B = Full stack (destroys A, B stays the same)



- Font size adjustments on the user interface to make it more readable.

- Occlusion adjustments to all types of rocks, boulders, flowers, trees, particular effects.

- Level of details adjustments to the entire landscape.

- Improved level of details to all types of rocks and boulders.

- Range Interaction adjustments to both Golden Malok and Subincar.

- Item Icons now show Amount and Max Stack.

- Added Max stack size on item hover.

- Blueprints for Molecular Matter Converter are now able to create stacks of items.

- New Items added Gracheri and Solid Construction Component

- Blueprint recipe adjusted.

- Graphical Adjustments to Molecular Matter Converter UI

- New Buildings added, Hydrogel Tank and Solar Panels

- Change Log added to the Main Menu.




- Spawning below the world/spawning in position 0.0.0

- Subincar and Blufloir share the same name (Inventory).

- Fixed typos in dialogs

- Audio issues with Neurocore and footsteps.

- Hydrogel purification station continues to release oxygen even when the player oxygen level is at max.

- Middle Mouse button didn't fast transfer items between storages.

- Middle Mouse button blocks the item slot in the inventory.

- Show FPS button not working.

- V-Sync button not working.

- C.A.T triggers twice if no building is requested to build, destroying the previous building.

- C.A.T appears above the wrong building while constructing.

- Field of View slider won't set its value.

- Project clean up (performance upgrade by around 2%).

- Weapons and Tools can't be used when equipt.



- Cave Entrance to the next part of the zone in the second level is more visible.

- Increase Player FLashlight power.

- 3D Resolution slider added to the Main Menu.




- Neurocore won't get triggered each time you enter the base.

- C.A.T losses focus if more than two buildings are requested to be created.

- Game loads last save on New Game.

- Small dialog fixes.



- Performance boost by about 2 % by clearing assets and unused shaders found in the first and secondary level. (Game should be smaller by around 100 MB)

- Added Continue Button.

- Small stability update to Save / Load System
